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Health topics
… urinary incontinence by sending a mild electric current to nerves in the lower back or the pelvic muscles that are … The stimulation may also encourage the growth of nerve cells that cause the muscles to contract. Electrical … hasn't been helped by other treatment. Posterior tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) is done by inserting a very small …
Health topics
… neuropathy is a problem that affects the peripheral nerves. These are the nerves that lead from the spinal cord to other parts of the body. These nerves control your sense of touch, how you feel pain and …
Health topics
… Information Overview Atypical neuropathies are types of nerve damage caused by diabetes. One type affects just one nerve. This is called mononeuropathy. It often affects a nerve in the wrist or foot. It can also affect a nerve that …
Health topics
… Over-the-Counter Medicines Sleep Apnea Sleep Apnea: Fibre-Optic Pharyngoscopy Snoring Snoring and Obstructive Sleep … Over-the-Counter Medicines Sleep Apnea Sleep Apnea: Fibre-Optic Pharyngoscopy Snoring Snoring and Obstructive Sleep …
Health topics
… tingling, or numbness produced by an irritation of the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve . The sciatic nerve is formed by the nerve roots coming out of the spinal …
Health topics
… in your hand that are caused by pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. The median nerve and several tendons run from your forearm to your … space in your wrist called the carpal tunnel . The median nerve controls movement and feeling in your thumb and first …
… dehydrogenase deficiency-G6PD) a certain eye nerve problem (optic neuritis) hearing problems (such as … dehydrogenase deficiency-G6PD) a certain eye nerve problem (optic neuritis) hearing problems (such as ringing in the …
Health topics
… Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. This nerve runs through a small space in your wrist called the carpal tunnel. This nerve controls feeling in your thumb and first three …
Health topics
… Diabetic autonomic neuropathy is damage to the autonomic nerves caused by diabetes. These nerves control things like your heartbeat, blood pressure, … problems Diabetic autonomic neuropathy may damage the nerves in the heart and circulatory system, causing a: …
Health topics
… up the spinal column . The spinal cord is a collection of nerves that runs through the spinal canal from the base of the brain to the lower back. These nerves allow us to feel, to move, and to control the bowel … the spinal canal narrows and can squeeze and compress the nerve roots where they leave the spinal cord , or it may …