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3177 results found
Health topics
… Yes Head injury No Head injury Are you having trouble breathing (more than a stuffy nose)? Yes Difficulty breathing more than a stuffy nose No Difficulty breathing more than a stuffy nose Would you describe the …
Health topics
… need early treatment for asthma symptoms to prevent severe breathing problems. They may have more serious problems than … are smaller. Babies and young children may be treated with oral or inhaled medicines. Even if your child's asthma does … are smaller. Babies and young children may be treated with oral or inhaled medicines. Even if your child's asthma does …
Health topics
… They are usually both a scrape (abrasion) and a heat burn. Breathing in hot air or gases can injure your lungs ( … of shock No Symptoms of shock Are you having trouble breathing (more than a stuffy nose)? Yes Difficulty breathing more than a stuffy nose No Difficulty breathing
Health topics
… able to turn over. You can use bathing seats or flotation devices. But be aware that they don't protect against … out of them. Also, children can learn habits using these devices that can put them at risk for drowning. For example, … a pool on impulse. They may jump in while not wearing the devices, before having a chance to think about it. Assign an …
Health topics
… you can strengthen and tone these muscles without special devices. And most devices don't make it easier or safer than doing exercises … you can strengthen and tone these muscles without special devices. And most devices don't make it easier or safer than …
Health topics
… of shock No Symptoms of shock Are you having trouble breathing (more than a stuffy nose)? Yes Difficulty breathing more than a stuffy nose No Difficulty breathing more than a stuffy nose Would you describe the …
Health topics
… include: Guided imagery . Relaxation . Distraction. Deep breathing. Positive, encouraging self-talk. Medicine. Use … by your doctor. Prescription pain medicine includes oral medicines such as codeine and ibuprofen, or codeine and acetaminophen. Some people might take oral controlled-release morphine at home. For more …
Health topics
… around the mouth, teeth, or eyes, or on the skin. Trouble breathing. A headache. If you have a possible poisoning … hotline in your area. If the person is unconscious, not breathing, or having a seizure, call 9-1-1 . In the case of … Ingested known or suspected poison Are you having trouble breathing (more than a stuffy nose)? Yes Difficulty …
… of drugs known as anticholinergics. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or … work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden breathing problems. If wheezing or sudden shortness of … you should use every day and which you should use if your breathing suddenly worsens (quick-relief drugs). Ask your …