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3177 results found
Health topics
… thirsty or having blurred vision. How is it diagnosed? The oral glucose tolerance test is used to diagnose the … Examinations and Tests Testing for gestational diabetes The oral glucose tolerance test is used to diagnose the … If you have a lot of sugar in your blood, you will do the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). If it shows that you …
Health topics
… rehabilitation—"rehab" for short— will not cure your breathing problems. But it may help you do your daily tasks, … shortness of breath. If you stay active, you may have fewer breathing problems and fewer symptoms of depression and … it often. Two breath-training methods are pursed-lip breathing and diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing). …
Health topics
… technology such as TVs, smartphones, computers, or tablet devices for at least an hour before you go to sleep. Do … bed. You might try a warm shower or bath or maybe some deep breathing or stretching. Keep the same sleep and wake times. … bed. You might try a warm shower or bath or maybe some deep breathing or stretching. Keep the same sleep and wake times. …
Health topics
… the teeth and gums. A gum specialist (periodontist) or oral surgeon often will do the procedure. The doctor will … the teeth and gums. A gum specialist (periodontist) or oral surgeon often will do the procedure. The doctor will …
Health topics
… dentist or endodontist may have to remove the pulp, or an oral surgeon may have to remove the tooth root . If you have … dentist or endodontist may have to remove the pulp, or an oral surgeon may have to remove the tooth root . If you have …
Health topics
… 50% to 79% of personal best Less than 50% of personal best Breathing Normal or slightly faster Faster than normal Rapid, and your child may appear preoccupied with breathing. He or she may want to sit upright to help with breathing. Breath Mild or no shortness of breath; can speak …
Health topics
… resuscitation) is pushing down on a person's chest and breathing into his or her mouth. It is used in emergencies … someone's heart stops beating, or when he or she is not breathing normally (may be gasping for breath) or is not breathing at all. CPR works to move blood to the person's …
HealthLinkBC files
… Giardia ? Giardia cysts can spread by water, food or fecal-oral transmission between infected individuals. Fecal-oral transmission occurs when contaminated feces particles …