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3177 results found
Health topics
… if a drowning victim has: Lost consciousness. Stopped breathing. No heartbeat. Inhaled water and then gasped for … Call a doctor now if a recent drowning victim has new breathing problems or signs of a lung infection, such as: A cough with or without coloured mucus. Rapid breathing. Breaths may also be shallow. Shortness of breath. …
Health topics
… for your lungs to fill up with air. The muscles used for breathing pull on the ribs, so breathing may be very painful when you have a fractured rib. … for your lungs to fill up with air. The muscles used for breathing pull on the ribs, so breathing may be very painful …
Health topics
… called leukoplakia . They can turn into mouth cancer (oral cancer) involving the lip, tongue, or cheek. Tooth loss … called leukoplakia . They can turn into mouth cancer (oral cancer) involving the lip, tongue, or cheek. Tooth loss …
HealthLinkBC files
… spread? The disease is spread through the "fecal-oral" route. Parasite eggs are shed in the stool of infected …
Health topics
… (Coumadin®) Food sources of vitamin K Warfarin - Oral Physical activity for heart health Being physically …
Health topics
… Diabetes Health Screening: Finding Health Problems Early Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) Citations … Diabetes Health Screening: Finding Health Problems Early Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) Citations …
Health topics
… into their mouths. (Your baby is going through the oral discovery phase of development.) Drooling can cause a … into their mouths. (Your baby is going through the oral discovery phase of development.) Drooling can cause a …
Health topics
… sunken eyes, no tears, and a dry mouth and tongue; fast breathing and heartbeat; feeling very dizzy or light-headed; … may have to feed more often to replace lost fluids. Give an oral rehydration solution (ORS), such as Pedialyte, between … may have to feed more often to replace lost fluids. Give an oral rehydration solution (ORS), such as Pedialyte, between …
Health topics
… It happens when fluid builds up in the lungs, causing breathing failure and low oxygen levels in the blood. ARDS … . Having many blood transfusions. Inhaling vomit. Breathing toxic fumes or smoke. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms are severe shortness of breath and rapid breathing. ARDS can develop quickly. How is it diagnosed? …