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2258 results found
Health topics
… completely. Common chronic diseases include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, and asthma. Exercise Physical …
Health topics
… run in families. Having certain health problems, such as cancer, heart failure, stroke, or severe infection. Being … run in families. Having certain health problems, such as cancer, heart failure, stroke, or severe infection. Being …
Health topics
… such as diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or cancer. At least 18 years old, in most cases. What to know … such as diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or cancer. At least 18 years old, in most cases. What to know …
Health topics
… (the fibres connecting muscle to bone). Ganglions aren't cancerous. Most people with ganglions notice that the bumps … (the fibres connecting muscle to bone). Ganglions aren't cancerous. Most people with ganglions notice that the bumps …
Health topics
… as asthma attacks. It can also cause diseases, such as lung cancer. Pollutants include smoke, pet dander, radon , mould, … as asthma attacks. It can also cause diseases, such as lung cancer. Pollutants include smoke, pet dander, radon , mould, …
Health topics
… the head of the femur in the hip socket. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis . It occurs when the femur slips at the … health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer … the head of the femur in the hip socket. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis . It occurs when the femur slips at the …
Health topics
… including the ones that cause 70 to 90% of anal and genital cancers and 90% of genital warts.  In Canada, HPV … including the ones that cause 70 to 90% of anal and genital cancers and 90% of genital warts.  In Canada, HPV …
Medical tests
… of the pancreas ( pancreatitis ), a pancreatic cyst, or cancer of the pancreas. Inflammation of the salivary glands … of the pancreas ( pancreatitis ), a pancreatic cyst, or cancer of the pancreas. Inflammation of the salivary glands …
Medical tests
… , hyperparathyroidism , sarcoidosis , and stomach cancer. Surgery to remove a large portion of the intestines … , hyperparathyroidism , sarcoidosis , and stomach cancer. Surgery to remove a large portion of the intestines …
Medical tests
… , a type of goiter (toxic multinodular goiter), and a non-cancerous (benign) tumour called a toxic nodule. Damage to … , a type of goiter (toxic multinodular goiter), and a non-cancerous (benign) tumour called a toxic nodule. Damage to …