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… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When To Call Exams and Tests … Endometriosis can run in families. What Increases Your Risk Your risk of endometriosis is higher if: You are … organs in your belly. Your examination, symptoms, and risk factors may strongly suggest that you have endometriosis. …
Health topics
… they become fragile and in danger of breaking, you have osteoporosis . You can slow bone loss and could even prevent osteoporosis by eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D … about how you can get the right amount. Health Canada and Osteoporosis Canada recommend that Canadian adults take …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … Learn more Degenerative Disc Disease What Increases Your Risk You may not always be able to prevent a herniated disc … it more likely you'll get a herniated disc are called risk factors. Risk factors may include: Getting older. Having a …
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… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens Treatment Overview Self-Care … can cause some people to binge eat. What Increases Your Risk Experts don't know for sure what causes someone to have … Having a history of physical or sexual abuse. Having risk factors for it doesn't mean a person will get an eating …
… professional. This drug may also be used for bone loss (osteoporosis) in adults. Osteoporosis causes bones to become thinner and break more … body absorbs as much drug as possible and to reduce the risk of injury to your esophagus. If you have any questions, …
Health topics
… during the first few months of life. There are some factors that may increase the risk of SIDS. If during pregnancy, the mother: Is younger … the baby died, and do an autopsy . How can you reduce the risk of SIDS? There is no sure way to prevent SIDS. But …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … If you have family members with eczema, you have a higher risk of getting it. Although you may not be able to prevent … lead to drier skin and more itching. What Increases Your Risk The major risk factor for eczema is having a family …
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… cells have spread to your lymph nodes, there is a greater risk that they may also have spread to other places in your … like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and thinning bones ( osteoporosis ). Concentration problems that may last for … I don't have a family history of it or any of the risk factors that you read about. I chose to have a lumpectomy. …
Health topics
… also check your overall health to see if surgery is too risky for you. Then you and your doctor will weigh the benefits of surgery against the risks for you. Why is surgery done? Valve surgery is usually … a valve replacement. But if you have other compounding factors, such as high blood pressure and coronary artery …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Treatment … Learn more Achilles Tendon Problems What Increases Your Risk Things that increase your risk for an Achilles tendon … osteoarthritis, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis are risk factors. Some medicines. Corticosteroid injections in the …