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6189 results found
Health topics
… signs are: Trouble reading, such as slow reading that takes a lot of effort. Trouble writing. Not doing well in … Your child will also be asked questions. Your child may take reading, writing, personality, and learning style … learning disability is treated by using educational tools. Medicines and counselling usually aren't used. For most …
Health topics
… not making enough milk. But low milk supply is rare. It may take time for your milk supply to get going. If you don't … to your doctor before taking any natural health products or medicines to increase your milk supply. The effects of … and too much alcohol. Talk to your doctor before you take any medicines. Avoid bottle-feeding your baby until …
Health topics
… may have some pain, swelling, and redness. Healing usually takes 2 to 4 weeks. Healing may take longer if a large area of tissue is burned. Treatment … may have some pain, swelling, and redness. Healing usually takes 2 to 4 weeks. Healing may take longer if a large area …
Health topics
… help her manage her blood sugar. "I got pretty motivated to take care of myself. I don't want anything to happen to my … her blood sugar levels. First, her doctor asked her to take a stress test. She passed it. "We have a deal. If I … help her manage her blood sugar. "I got pretty motivated to take care of myself. I don't want anything to happen to my …
Health topics
… While it is hard to do nothing, this lack of attention takes away the very audience your child is seeking. … Let the consequence make the point. For example, take away privileges that closely match a child's inappropriate actions. If a child misuses a toy, take it away for a short period. (If the loss of privilege …
Health topics
… you can, try to let the person choose when they bathe. To take a shower, the person may need help to step over the … the stomach. Also, look at bony areas, like the elbows and shoulders. If you see any redness, do not rub or massage the … the stomach. Also, look at bony areas, like the elbows and shoulders. If you see any redness, do not rub or massage the …
Medical tests
… think you'll get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. How It Is Done You will need to remove all … to the powerful magnet used for the test. You will need to take off all or most of your clothes, depending on which … also hear tapping or snapping noises as the MRI scans are taken. You may be given earplugs or headphones with music to …
Health topics
… disease means your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should to filter waste and get rid of extra fluid from your …
Health topics
… on his or her back when sleeping . While awake, your baby should be held, loved and played with. Supervised tummy time …
Health topics
… foods, which can help her eat well. Encourage her to take breaks and naps. Hormones during pregnancy can change a … and be open to changes in how you express intimacy. Take walks together. It gives you exercise and time to talk. … you and the baby and gives your partner time to sleep or take a walk. If you have other children, you may want to …