6189 results found
Health topics
… products, keep in mind the following: Like conventional medicines, natural health products may cause side effects, … or interact with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be … Complementary Medicine Natural Health Products (Herbal Medicines and Natural Products) Current as of: March …
Health topics
… your child. Some of the tubes may supply oxygen, fluid, and medicines. The wires are hooked to machines that help the … What can you expect after a non-fatal drowning? How long it takes your child to get better depends on many things, … water and how long your child was under the water. It can take from a few days to many months. Your child may have …
Health topics
… your health are things that others do for you or to you—the medicines you take, the doctors you visit, the surgeries or operations you … things that others do for you or to you—the medicines you take, the doctors you visit, the surgeries or operations you …
Health topics
… a rush. The intensity of the rush depends on how much was taken and how rapidly the drug entered the brain. When a … a vein or smokes heroin, the rush occurs within seconds. It takes at least 10 minutes when the drug is sniffed. Along … know uses heroin, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a take-home naloxone kit. Naloxone helps reverse the effect of …
Health topics
… pulmonary disease). A nebulizer can make inhaling medicines easier. It can be very helpful if it is hard for … sure that a mist is coming out of the mouthpiece or mask. Take deep, slow breaths through the mouthpiece or mask. Hold … the cup. There will be no more mist coming out. This may take about 10 minutes. After each use, clean the mouthpiece …
Health topics
… low-fibre diet can cause small, hard stools. This means it takes more pressure in the colon to move stools out of the … blocks of 10 minutes or more throughout your day and week. Take a fibre supplement, such as Benefibre or Metamucil, … day for a bowel movement. Having a daily routine may help. Take your time and do not strain when you are having a bowel …
Health topics
… don't block the mouthpiece with your tongue. Breathe in. Take a slow, deep breath. Breathe in as deeply as you can. … tells you to. Then go to the step 6. Cough. After you've taken the recommended number of breaths, try to cough a few … don't block the mouthpiece with your tongue. Breathe in. Take a slow, deep breath. Breathe in as deeply as you can. …
Health topics
… a place that's safe and private. If you feel upset, first take some time to calm yourself. If it feels right, ask some … listen to music, go for walks, dance, or play a game. Take care of yourself. It's not easy to have a friend who … hurts themself. If you're feeling worn-out, it's okay to take short breaks from your friend now and then. And you may …
Medical tests
… is a type of imaging test that uses sound waves. It takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your … very still while the test is being done. How long the test takes Depending on what is being looked at, the test will take about 15 to 60 minutes. How It Feels This test usually …
Health topics
… afterward. This is part of your recovery, and it may take longer than you expect. These tips may help. Give … you still need their help. Help them understand that it takes time. Talk about how cancer has changed your family … afterward. This is part of your recovery, and it may take longer than you expect. These tips may help. Give …