6189 results found
Medical tests
… may help to wear comfortable clothing that you can easily take off. How It Is Done You may be asked to remove your … wiped off and the electrodes are removed. How long the test takes This test usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. How It Feels You will not have pain …
Health topics
… . What causes it? Many things can cause gastritis, such as: Medicines that can damage the stomach lining. These include … your doctor. They may recommend treatment such as: Taking medicines to help reduce stomach acid and ease discomfort. … These include antacids and stomach acid blockers. Taking medicines to help treat an infection from H. pylori …
Health topics
… your period, but there is a lot less bleeding than usual. Take birth control pills, but you missed a pill. It is … not use alcohol or drugs. Avoid caffeine, or limit your intake to about 1 cup of coffee or tea each day. Do not clean … avoid the risk of toxoplasmosis . Avoid people who are ill. Take a vitamin that contains folic acid or a prenatal …
Health topics
… delivery. How can you care for yourself ? Be safe with medicines. Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor, … with itching. Use calamine lotion on itchy areas. Do not take hot showers or baths. Hot water can make itching worse. …
Health topics
… ulcer to form. These things may include: The use of certain medicines. Examples are aspirin and other non-steroidal … the medicine from killing the bacteria. Some people who take medicine to treat the H. pylori infection may need a … the medicine from killing the bacteria. Some people who take medicine to treat the H. pylori infection may need a …
Medical tests
… to the powerful magnet used for the test. You will need to take off all or most of your clothes, depending on which … to sense your breathing. The belt triggers the machine to take the scan at the right time. Some people feel nervous … also hear tapping or snapping noises as the MRI scans are taken. You may be given earplugs or headphones with music to …
Health topics
… symptoms? After you've been exposed to hepatitis E, it can take from 2 to 9 weeks before you see any signs of it. … all of your energy returns. As you start to feel better, take your time in getting back to your regular routine. If … liver problems worse. Make sure your doctor knows all the medicines you're taking, including natural health products. …
Health topics
… so your body will be more ready to sleep when you get home. Take care of yourself, and get support. Eat a healthy diet. … in the hours leading up to bedtime. Get regular exercise. Take a nap before work or during a work break if you can. … a prescription. Your doctor can tell you how much to take and when to take it. Your doctor may prescribe sleep …
Health topics
… If you are diagnosed with an eating disorder, it may take some time to develop trust in the people who are trying … If you are diagnosed with an eating disorder, it may take some time to develop trust in the people who are trying …
Health topics
… A baby who is getting full during a feeding will take longer pauses between sucking. A baby who is full will … of food each baby needs varies. Young babies usually do not take more breast milk or formula than they need. Related … A baby who is getting full during a feeding will take longer pauses between sucking. A baby who is full will …