6189 results found
Medical tests
… has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Health topics
… will regrow in the transplanted hair follicle . But it may take a period of time before you can see the new hair … hair coverage you want. Healing between surgeries usually takes several months. Why It Is Done Hair transplant surgery … will regrow in the transplanted hair follicle . But it may take a period of time before you can see the new hair …
Health topics
… with other people about your loss. Acknowledge the loss. Take part in activities that acknowledge and mark a major … with other people about your loss. Acknowledge the loss. Take part in activities that acknowledge and mark a major …
Health topics
… free radicals: Through by-products of normal processes that take place in your body. Examples include burning sugars for … to break down food. When the body breaks down certain medicines. Through pollutants. Antioxidants include some … free radicals: Through by-products of normal processes that take place in your body. Examples include burning sugars for …
Health topics
… your thinking took some time to form this pattern. It will take some time to learn to think in a different way. Try … your thinking took some time to form this pattern. It will take some time to learn to think in a different way. Try …
Health topics
… have to bend down too low to care for them, and it doesn't take as much effort to plant them. She also uses tools that … of thin, straight handles. Tools shaped like these help to take the pressure off of her back and the joints in her … have to bend down too low to care for them, and it doesn't take as much effort to plant them. She also uses tools that …
Health topics
… After a person is exposed to the parasite, it usually takes 7 to 14 days for the infection to develop. You can … prescribe medicine to kill the parasite. It's important to take the medicine for as long as prescribed, so the … try eating small amounts of food when you feel like eating. Take frequent sips of clear fluids like rehydration drinks …
Medical tests
… doctor tells you to. If you are taking or have recently taken antibiotics , tell your doctor. How It Is Done To … need to be placed in a container with living cells and can take weeks to grow. Any bacteria, fungi, or viruses that … to numb the area where the culture sample will be taken. Risks There may be some risks from having a skin or …
Health topics
… to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can help you choose the birth control … hormones. So you can use the diaphragm if you don't want to take hormones or can't take hormones because you have …
Health topics
… for symptoms in the yellow zone includes the following: Take your medicine according to your asthma action plan. If … for symptoms in the yellow zone includes the following: Take your medicine according to your asthma action plan. If …