6189 results found
Health topics
… cover the cost of treatment. Or you may worry that if you take time for treatment, you will not be able to get your … You are looking for help so you will feel better. It takes strength and courage to seek help from others. Mental … and see this." Doctors, counsellors, hospitals, and clinics take privacy seriously. They won't share your records with …
Health topics
… want to save this information but don't think it is safe to take it home, see if a trusted friend can keep it for you. … Teens in abusive relationships are also more likely to take sexual risks, do poorly in school, and use drugs, … want to save this information but don't think it is safe to take it home, see if a trusted friend can keep it for you. …
Health topics
… Some people recover within a few hours. Other people take a few weeks to recover. It's important to know that … these signs. If you are caring for an older adult who takes a blood thinner and who has had a fall, take them to a … (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve). Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. …
Health topics
… a plan for how long you will do the activity before you take a break (for example, every 15 minutes). Even if you … you want to do, think about how much energy it will take. Give it a number between 1 and 100. Do this for … activity. Ask yourself how much energy that activity will take. It may seem hard to estimate this at first. But try …
Health topics
… damaged these fibres. The areas most often affected are the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. What causes … home care, including rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain medicines. Your doctor may also suggest physiotherapy. For a … or changing your grip. If exercise caused the problem, take lessons or ask a trainer or pro to check your …
Health topics
… can be delivered in a few different ways: Concentrators take oxygen from the air. Larger concentrators can be used … have smaller tanks for use outside the home. Liquid oxygen takes up less room than oxygen gas. Because of this, smaller … can be delivered in a few different ways: Concentrators take oxygen from the air. Larger concentrators can be used …
Health topics
… to see around it. But some days will be better than others. Take the time to remind yourself of that. It's hard to … right now, because you want to overcome those thoughts. So take your time, and try to write down some things that are … to see around it. But some days will be better than others. Take the time to remind yourself of that. It's hard to …
Health topics
… therapy (ART) is the combination of several antiretroviral medicines used to slow the rate at which HIV makes copies of … in one pill. This reduces the number of pills to be taken each day. Experts recommend using one of the following … in one pill. This reduces the number of pills to be taken each day. Experts recommend using one of the following …
Health topics
… how you feel, and talk to your doctor about counselling or medicines that can help you. Getting treatment right away … at risk for suicide: Learn the warning signs listed above. Take these signs seriously. Talk to your loved one as openly … at risk for suicide: Learn the warning signs listed above. Take these signs seriously. Talk to your loved one as openly …
Medical tests
… angles are needed. A series of X-ray pictures is usually taken from the front, back, top, and sides of your head. … your head completely still while the pictures are being taken. A padded brace, foam pads, a headband, or sandbags … be used to hold your head in place while the pictures are taken. How long the test takes Skull X-rays usually take …