6189 results found
Health topics
… activities. For example, they can help you learn how to: Take care of your health, including a schedule for medicine. … Control bowels or bladder. Physiotherapist. A stroke often takes away a person's ability to move in certain ways. A … activities. For example, they can help you learn how to: Take care of your health, including a schedule for medicine. …
Health topics
… my job, but it can be stressful. I hold my stress in my shoulders and neck. My shoulders are always up around my ears. A lot of times, I … at the end of the day with a big headache." Jerry usually takes acetaminophen or ibuprofen when he gets a tension …
Health topics
… problems with drinking, drug use, or misusing prescription medicines. Mental health problems in the home. A household … they need. That may be a hard decision. But parents who take care of themselves will be better able to take good care of their children. Child …
Health topics
… Nutrients are found in food and help your body work as it should. Learn about carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, … can lead to high blood pressure and ways to lower your intake: Food sources of sodium Healthy eating guidelines for …
Health topics
… people with this condition. A balanced exercise program should include: Low-impact aerobic exercise, such as … people with this condition. A balanced exercise program should include: Low-impact aerobic exercise, such as …
Health topics
… of age and has a fever or shows signs of illness, they should be seen by a health care provider. For more …
Health topics
… children, with evidence suggesting that children under two should not have any screen time outside of video chatting …
Health topics
… French If this is your first time breastfeeding, it may take some practice before you feel confident. Here are some … until your milk supply increases. Most babies need to take both breasts at every feeding. Be sure you are in a … Baby Feeding Cues and Behaviours. Learning to breastfeed takes time Since breastfeeding is natural, many new parents …
Health topics
… from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or …
Health topics
… fluid can't move where it needs to or is not absorbed as it should be. And in rare cases the brain makes too much fluid. … treatment is needed to reduce the fluid. This may include medicines, a lumbar puncture (sometimes called a spinal … fluid can't move where it needs to or is not absorbed as it should be. And in rare cases the brain makes too much fluid. …