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Medical tests
… or size. An X-ray of the eye (orbital cavity) may be taken if the eye has been injured. A computed tomography … your head completely still while the pictures are being taken. A padded brace, foam pads, a headband, or sandbags … be used to hold your head in place while the pictures are taken. If pictures of the orbital cavities or sinuses are …
Health topics
… illness such as chickenpox or influenza (flu) and who took medicines that contain aspirin. Reye syndrome cannot spread … even if your child has not had a recent viral illness or taken aspirin. Early treatment makes full recovery more … How can you prevent it? The most important step you can take to prevent Reye syndrome is to not give aspirin or any …
Health topics
… your meal, so that you can split the meal before you even take the first bite. Try splitting a meal with someone else … you eat more carbohydrate at a meal than you had planned, take a walk or do other exercise. This will help lower your … your meal, so that you can split the meal before you even take the first bite. Try splitting a meal with someone else …
Health topics
… The whole procedure, including preparation and surgery, takes about 20 minutes. With LASEK, the surface layer of the … your doctor recommends. The doctor may also advise you to take vitamin C. Other complications of these surgeries may … or thickening of the treated area. Some doctors suggest medicines to limit it. Loss of best corrected vision, which …
Medical tests
… the test so that your bladder is full. You may need to take off all or most of your clothes, depending on which … one or both limbs. It allows your blood pressure to be taken at several different places. When the legs are tested, … After the doctor has found the blood vessel, it may take some time to assess the blood flow. How long the test …
Health topics
… Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition. Anxiety: … Finding a Counsellor or Therapist Self-Care Counselling and medicines are the most effective treatments for social …
Health topics
… your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than … your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than …
Health topics
… Prev      Next > slide 7 of 11, Get the test strip ready., Take one strip from the bottle of test strips. Follow the … 11, Record your results., Wait for the results. Most meters take only a few seconds to give you the results. It's … You can get these logs from companies that make diabetic medicines and supplies. Or use a home blood sugar diary. …
Health topics
… the other symptoms of ADHD in the following ways. My child takes the following medicine for ADHD at the listed times. … the other symptoms of ADHD in the following ways. My child takes the following medicine for ADHD at the listed times. …