5087 results found
Health topics
… Center for Complementary and Integrative Health and other institutes, funds ongoing research of many … and risks. Traditional Chinese herbal medicines, like other medicines, may also cause side effects, trigger allergic reactions, or interact with other prescription and non-prescription medicines or natural …
Health topics
… who has died. You may have trouble thinking about anything other than the person who died. These feelings may interfere … daily responsibilities. They last longer than is usual for others in your social circle or from your cultural … trouble sleeping, or sleep a lot. Isolate themselves from other people. Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a …
Health topics
… or a piece of gum. Call a friend. Do a puzzle or some other activity that uses your hands. Take on a household … task. Drink a glass of water. Try to stay away from others who use tobacco. This is important when you first quit. Seeing others use tobacco can often make cravings worse or trigger …
Health topics
… the person. People who are manic often feel isolated from other people. Spending even short periods of time with them … say or do. This can include focusing on negative aspects of others. If needed, stay away from the person and avoid … disorder. Always call a health professional (or 9-1-1 or other emergency services) if you think they are in danger of …
Health topics
… (psychogenic cough). This type of cough is present without other symptoms. Any cough in a baby younger than 3 months, even without other symptoms, needs to be taken seriously. If the cough … professional. If your child is acting normally in every other way, simply watch him or her closely for 24 hours. A …
Health topics
… should see a doctor to rule out prostate cancer or other diseases. Prostate cancer is treatable, but treatment … with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be taking. A side effect or interaction with another medicine or natural health product may make other …
Health topics
… your doctor can create a plan that may include medicine and other treatments. Early treatment can help you avoid … and what feels worse. Some people can write without pain. Others can't. That's also true for walking and other tasks and activities. Learn how to use your body to …
Health topics
… with Down syndrome grow and develop in the same way as other children but at a slower rate. Your support system. It is important to connect with other people who understand and have had similar … experiences. Find out how to contact a support group or other families in your area with children who have Down …
Health topics
… Stage IV : Cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes into other parts of the body (metastasized). Doctors often need … into nearby lymph nodes (N). The spread of the cancer to other body parts (M, for metastasis). Most cancers can be described using the TNM system. But other staging systems are used for certain cancers (for …
Health topics
… to be effective for some problems, it rarely helps with others. This tool is not meant for people in emergency … your doctor right away if you have numbness, weakness, or other symptoms that are very bad or getting worse. Carragee … they have had symptoms for at least 6 weeks or they've had other "red flags" such as signs of nerve damage. Surgery is …