5087 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the hepatitis A vaccine? The … smoking, or injecting equipment Are males who have sex with other males Have HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection, … A infection. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well. What are the possible reactions after the …
Health topics
… short time and then heals itself—without any treatment. For other people, sarcoidosis may cause long-lasting damage to … some people, sarcoidosis may cause no symptoms at all. For others, it can cause a variety of symptoms depending on … sarcoidosis. By looking at the biopsy, doctors can rule out other diseases that look like sarcoidosis. How is it …
Health topics
… past. You may be more tempted to smoke when you: Are around others who are smoking. Drink alcohol. Feel angry or … Are at a party. Have easy access to cigarettes. Are there other situations that make you want to light up a cigarette? … Stay focused on quitting smoking. Don't try to achieve other goals while you are in the process of quitting. For …
Health topics
… the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults. Many other things can cause the blood vessel damage that leads to … in your blood. A kidney biopsy . You may also have other tests to identify what is causing nephrotic syndrome. … low risk for problems or are getting better on their own. Others may need medicines that decrease the body's immune …
Health topics
… to comes from nature. It's in rock, soil, and the air. The other half comes from man-made sources like medical tests, … Over time, radiation exposure may cause cancer and other health problems. But the risk of this happening is … of these tests. CT scans generally use more radiation than other X-ray tests. The risk of an adult getting cancer from …
Health topics
… unwashed cutting board or utensil to prepare vegetables or other raw or lightly cooked foods. Drinking contaminated … Do not use medicines, including antibiotics and other treatments, unless your doctor recommends them. Most … dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel better. You can take …
Health topics
… and reckless driving. Relationship problems. You may see others as either "good" or "bad" and may shift from one view to the other suddenly, for minor reasons. This can make … hold on to those around you. Or it may cause you to reject others before they can reject you. Aggressive behaviour. …
… wrong dose/strength. Using this medication with alcohol or other drugs that can cause drowsiness or breathing problems … may cause very serious side effects, including death. Also, other medications can affect the removal of butorphanol from … works. Be sure you know how to use butorphanol and what other drugs you should avoid taking with it. See also Drug …
… should discuss the risks and benefits of carbamazepine and other treatment choices with you. Such skin reactions have … sprinkle the contents onto a teaspoonful of applesauce or other soft food. Swallow all of the drug/food mixture right … may experience depression, suicidal thoughts/attempts, or other mental/mood problems. Tell your doctor right away if …
Health topics
… physical appearance affects how we see ourselves and how others see us. The size, shape, and look of our bodies may … you look. Some people do this through diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes. Others have cosmetic surgery, especially if they are unhappy …