5085 results found
Health topics
… help measure and compare a child's behavior with that of other children the same age. The Canadian ADHD Resource … checks for a range of symptoms that may occur with ADHD and other disorders. Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale … Record (WSR). CADDRA Teacher Assessment Form. SNAP-IV-26. Other people who know the child, such as daycare workers or …
Health topics
… to avoid hand and wrist movements that can cause pain and other symptoms. Keep your wrists straight or only slightly … long periods of time. Take frequent breaks from typing or other repetitive activities to stretch your hands and … of your duties. Make sure that new work changes don't cause other wrist problems or make your condition worse. Related …
Health topics
… is fussy, you probably are not getting the sleep you need. Other feelings, like frustration, can makes things feel … responsibilities can help you care for yourself. Talk to others. If you have a partner, talk to them about your feelings and concerns. Talking to other caregivers and parents can helpful. Look for parenting …
Health topics
… through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or other misfortune. This loss can be devastating; it's … empty and have problems being around pregnant women and mothers with babies. These feelings are normal. If your baby … provider, the public health nurse, local crisis centre and others who have been in similar situations can help. Losing …
Health topics
… to opioids as medication (e.g., T3s after dental surgery). Others may try using other people’s prescription opioids. And a very few may … around substance use, including alcohol, medications and other drugs. To watch a video about the importance of …
Health topics
… sore on the coloured part of the eye (iris). Fever with no other cause. Blurred or decreased vision. Your eyes may … white or creamy drainage at times. If you have no pain or other symptoms, home treatment is usually all that is … signs of infection along with a change in your vision or other symptoms need to be evaluated by a doctor. Infection …
Health topics
… make it hard to breathe. Ascites can be a complication of other health problems, such as liver disease and some … help get rid of fluid that has built up in the belly and other parts of the body. These medicines can help both … fluid buildup can lead to trouble breathing, infection, and other problems. You may want to visit with a dietitian . A …
Health topics
… Some coping strategies or responses are not as helpful as others. For example, negative coping responses may feel good … family and friends Positive coping responses On the other hand, positive coping responses keep you in the … dining) Taking a bath or shower Writing, painting, or doing other creative activities Praying or going to church …
Health topics
… you may need a wheelchair. Moving from your wheelchair to other locations is known as a transfer. If you have enough … are stable. Lock your wheelchair. And be sure that the other surface won't move. Protect your skin. Be aware of … no-skid shoes. Make sure that there are no throw rugs or other objects in the way. Ask for help. If you worry about …
Health topics
… the hospital. This can be because of severe symptoms or for other reasons. You may have to go to the hospital if: You're … isn't real. You talk about suicide or hurting yourself or others. You have severe medicine side effects, such as … prevent your loved one from harming himself or herself or others. In the hospital, your loved one will get treatment …