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5085 results found
Health topics
… Pollen. Dust or dust mites. Pet dander. Cockroaches. Mould. Other things can cause an asthma attack too, such as: … air pollution, and chemicals. A cold, influenza (flu), or another type of upper respiratory infection. Exercise. Many … asthma triggers. Don't smoke. And try to avoid being around others when they smoke. Ask people not to smoke in your …
Health topics
… mites can also be spread by sharing towels, clothing, and other personal items. Scabies often affects several … household members at the same time. You can spread it to another person before you have symptoms. What are the … is especially likely if you have had close contact with other people who have had the same symptoms. Sometimes you …
Health topics
… off. As you recover, you can slowly resume exercise and other activities. Here are some other things to think about: You may not be comfortable … may suggest a rehabilitation program. This may include physiotherapy and home exercises. If you work in an office, you …
Health topics
… combines brachytherapy with low-dose external radiation. In other cases, treatment that combines surgery with external … scan and CT scan to find out if the cancer has spread to other parts of your body. If it has, your doctor may offer … start during treatment and go away when it's finished. Others start later and may become long-term problems. Your …
Medical tests
… cause gonorrhea grow, the culture is positive. Sometimes other tests are done to find the right medicine for treating … gonorrhea to avoid passing the infection back to you or to others. If you have gonorrhea, all of your sex partners from … and treated. footnote 1 And you may need to have tests for other sexually transmitted infections, including HIV . …
HealthLinkBC files
… who are taking antibiotics People undergoing cancer chemotherapy People who have other illnesses The elderly What are the symptoms? In some … precautions to try to prevent spreading the infection to others. What is the best way to wash my hands? To wash your …
HealthLinkBC files
… within 8 weeks of getting an influenza vaccine without another cause being identified GBS is a rare condition that … you are first exposed to the influenza virus. Fever and other symptoms usually last 7 to 10 days, but the cough and … may last 1 to 2 weeks longer. Although infections from other viruses may have similar symptoms, those due to the …
HealthLinkBC files
… symptoms: an upset stomach, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Other symptoms include nausea, cramping, chills and fever. … person to try to stay in a separate room and not be around others, as the virus spreads easily. Everyone in the family … or paper towels for drying hands to help stop the spread to other people Do not eat raw or undercooked shellfish. …
HealthLinkBC files
… with the virus. It is possible for people, horses and other animals to become infected if they are bitten by a … or neck stiffness for which you cannot find a cause, or other symptoms of WNV, contact your health care provider. … 2 times a week; unclog rain gutters; drain tarps, tires and other debris where rainwater may collect; and install a …
Medical tests
… vitamin B12 deficiency or folic acid deficiency . But other tests for these deficiencies are available. Help … to convert food to energy. Help determine a cause for otherwise unexplained blood clots. How To Prepare Do not eat or drink anything (other than water) for at least 8 hours before the test. Many …