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5085 results found
Health topics
… (MMR) vaccine and preservatives used in other childhood vaccines, play a role in children developing … to follow a very large study about the risks for autism and other developmental disabilities. Because the exact cause of … (MMR) vaccine and preservatives used in other childhood vaccines, play a role in children developing …
Health topics
… is called estrogen-receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer. Another type is called progesterone-receptor-positive (PR+) … These block the enzyme aromatase, which converts other hormones to estrogen. They are used mostly in women … having less interest in sex. And it raises your risk for other diseases, like heart disease and osteoporosis. When …
Health topics
… without treatment. What causes it? The ring of muscle and other tissue that forms where blood vessels in the umbilical … to close it. If your child has pain, a swollen belly, or other signs that a part of the intestine is trapped in the … without treatment. What causes it? The ring of muscle and other tissue that forms where blood vessels in the umbilical …
Health topics
… by an infection, ectopic pregnancy , miscarriage , or some other serious problem. If you have severe, ongoing nausea … if vomiting develops. Even mild dehydration can affect other problems, such as constipation or heartburn, that may … by an infection, ectopic pregnancy , miscarriage , or some other serious problem. If you have severe, ongoing nausea …
Health topics
… arms and spread the fingers in response to a loud noise or other sudden, unexpected stimulus. By 6 weeks of age, … "cruising" around the room holding on to furniture and other objects. Cruising develops muscles and coordination … arms and spread the fingers in response to a loud noise or other sudden, unexpected stimulus. By 6 weeks of age, …
Health topics
… become pregnant or to use a different birth control method. Otherwise, your doctor will remove your IUD at the end of … is removed. If your doctor doesn't see the strings, other tools may be used. Or an ultrasound may be done to … right after the IUD is removed, unless your doctor says otherwise. You might have some cramping and light bleeding …
Health topics
… all parts of the home. "Disinfecting" means using soap or another cleaner to get rid of germs that can cause infection. … This helps keep germs from spreading from one area to another. Clean all medical equipment, humidifiers, and … a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water. Here are some other tips for reducing germs in the home: Wash higher …
Health topics
… with your child and with teachers, coaches, and other staff is an important part of helping your child … it hard to focus when taking notes. Ask the school about other activities. It may help your child to try activities … with your child and with teachers, coaches, and other staff is an important part of helping your child …
Health topics
… Having the virus itself Taking HIV medicines Taking other medicines, including those for pain, depression or … not get enough oxygen, and you feel tired and weak. Having other infections that can happen with HIV. These are called … starting a walking or weight-lifting program. Or find another activity that you like to do. Regular exercise …
Health topics
… can be a great way to spend time together. Eat with each other if you can. You may want to play soft music or have … It could make them feel uncomfortable. Here are some other things to remember: Be sure the person is sitting up. … eat the same food until it's gone or alternate bites with another food. Caregiving: Overview of …