5087 results found
Health topics
… bruises, back sprains, turned ankles, sore joints, or any other health problem that calls for ice. A cold pack is more … display window at one end and the temperature probe at the other end. These thermometers can be used in the mouth, … take longer to get a reading. They aren't as accurate as other types. Learn more Body Temperature …
HealthLinkBC files
… water to keep it alive. Do not use rubbing alcohol or any other liquid. The container with the tick can be stored … disease, it is worth taking steps to avoid being bitten. Other diseases passed on by ticks include relapsing fever, … for any diseases passed on by ticks. Lyme disease and other tick-related diseases can be treated with antibiotics. …
HealthLinkBC files
… contact. Head lice cannot jump or fly from one person to another. They are most commonly spread through head-to-head contact by crawling from one hair to another. There is a very small chance of head lice spreading … in the household has head lice, there is a good chance other household members do as well. All members of the …
HealthLinkBC files
… cancers of the throat, anus, penis, vagina and vulva. Two other types of HPV cause most cases of genital warts, which … This can be during oral, vaginal or anal sex, or during any other sexual activity in which skin-to-skin contact takes … of an HPV infection. As a result, they can pass HPV to others without knowing it. What are the risks of HPV …
HealthLinkBC files
… of HPV 90% to 100% of cases of genital warts caused by 2 other types of HPV It is important to have regular cervix … is no need to delay getting immunized because of a cold or other mild illness. However, if you have concerns speak with … not show any signs or symptoms and can pass the virus on to others without even knowing it. Most often an HPV infection …
HealthLinkBC files
… with a small piece of fruit in the middle Peanuts, other nuts, seeds such as sunflower and watermelon, popcorn, … can completely block the child's airway Disc batteries and other batteries. Disc batteries are used in watches, … such as celery or pineapple Spread smooth peanut butter or other nut and seed butters thinly on crackers or bread. A …
HealthLinkBC files
… While most polio infections may not result in symptoms, others can result in paralysis and even death. Diphtheria … with heart or lung disorders, weakened immune systems or other chronic medical conditions. Influenza immunization of … the influenza virus. A person with influenza is at risk of other infections, including viral or bacterial pneumonia. …
HealthLinkBC files
… are comfortable and provide them with enough fluids Other things that may increase your risk of heat-related … pills and certain psychiatric medications Use of alcohol or other substances Previous heat stroke High humidity How can … from the heat Regularly check older adults, children, and others for signs of heat-related illness, especially in the …
Medical tests
… a sample only once a day unless your doctor gives you other directions. Flush the remaining stool down the toilet. … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … , sprue (celiac disease) , cystic fibrosis , or other disorders that affect the absorption of fats. The …
Health topics
… your heart's electrical system. Check your pacemaker or other implanted device. See if your heart can handle more … a heart attack or angina Checks how well your pacemaker or other implanted device is working Exercise EKG Checks for … include: "Why am I going to have this test?" "Are there other tests that will give the same information? Do I have a …