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5087 results found
Health topics
… with pain. Some people have a high tolerance for pain; others have a lower tolerance. If someone is very sensitive … will examine you and may consider doing an X-ray or some other test, but it may not be necessary. If you are not … in regard to moving, your doctor may recommend a physiotherapist to help you with exercises and activities. Is …
Health topics
… help yourself be more flexible. Combining stretching with other fitness activities is best. Try to hold each stretch … exercises such as push-ups, leg lifts, and other familiar exercises. Try muscle-strengthening exercises … walks. Go the extra distance. Get your coffee on another floor (use the stairs). Or use the washroom that's the …
Health topics
… siblings, cooking one night a week, making lunch, and other responsibilities. Trusting your teen with regular … from reacting leniently some of the time and overreacting other times. Accept that your way isn't the only way. … siblings, cooking one night a week, making lunch, and other responsibilities. Trusting your teen with regular …
Health topics
… in rehab, make sure to stay in touch with your doctor or other health professionals who can keep track of your … for regular visits, or whenever your condition changes Other specialist physicians Nephrologist (kidney … While you are in the hospital and after discharge Physiotherapist or exercise physiologist Expert in improving …
Health topics
… smoke, pet dander, radon , mould, cleaning products, and other chemicals. You can create a healthier home by … to smoke in your home. Control moisture. Fix leaks and other sources of moisture. Remove water-damaged materials. … smoke, pet dander, radon , mould, cleaning products, and other chemicals. You can create a healthier home by …
Health topics
… and pain in your joints, such as in the fingers and toes. Other joints can also be affected. Some people may have pain … damage to your joints. Treatment includes medicines, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. Take an over-the-counter … or pills may also be given to relieve joint pain. A physiotherapist may help you move and stay active, build your …
Health topics
… At first, symptoms may be overlooked or mistaken for another illness, like influenza (flu). How is it diagnosed? … who are most likely to get it. If you have a parent, brother, or sister with type 1 diabetes, and you're willing to … At first, symptoms may be overlooked or mistaken for another illness, like influenza (flu). Symptoms include: …
Health topics
… have different blood types. May look different from each other or may look the same, as some brothers and sisters do. What makes a multiple pregnancy more … you take fertility drugs or have in vitro fertilization . Other things that increase your chance of a multiple …
Health topics
… through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or other misfortune. This loss can be devastating; it's …
Health topics
… can be linked with a ruptured appendix . Tubal ligation or other types of surgery. Endometriosis . This is a common … can be linked with a ruptured appendix . Tubal ligation or other types of surgery. Endometriosis . This is a common …