5087 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… asbestos was used as a building material in homes and other buildings. It was also used in automotive parts like … ducts or pipes. It could also be in your floor tiles and other areas. Asbestos only poses a potential health risk …
Health topics
… cold with nasal congestion. This will go away after birth. Other women report that their nausea lessens, they have more … marks are: Family history of stretch marks (if your mother or sisters developed stretch marks you may follow … between your legs. Don’t lie flat on your back Walk or do other types of exercise Wear support hose if recommended …
Health topics
… workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from time to time throughout the day or … using oxygen. Alcohol, sleeping pills, or sedatives and other drugs can make you breathe too slowly. Be aware of … workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from time to time throughout the day or …
Health topics
… Basis, Dove, or Neutrogena) instead of deodorant soaps or other harsh soaps. Avoid lotions that contain alcohol. They … vegetable oil (such as Crisco) works and is low in cost. Other good moisturizers are Cetaphil, Eucerin, and … within 3 minutes after your bath to seal in moisture. Otherwise, when the water evaporates, it will make your skin …
Health topics
… Your family doctor also may be able to help you find other places where you may have medical records, such as at … get a notebook with pockets, you can keep test results and other health papers in these pockets. Use your computer. Use … Your family doctor also may be able to help you find other places where you may have medical records, such as at …
Medical tests
… also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … the tumour has returned or that the tumour has spread to other parts of the body (metastasized). Low values Low … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Health topics
… realizing you are doing it. You might be involved in another activity, such as reading, watching television, or … the ages of 10 and 18 bite their nails at one time or another. Nail-biting occurs most often during puberty . Some … 18 to 22 years, bite their nails. Only a small number of other adults bite their nails. Most people stop biting their …
Health topics
… or caregivers, worrying about school and getting along with others, worrying about their changing bodies, and worrying … on time, they will get their allowance. If they break another child's toy, they must find a way to replace it. … often find it helpful to write about the things that bother them. Younger children may be helped by drawing about …
Health topics
… begin by working on a healthy breakfast, and move to other meals after this goal has been reached. Or, decide to eat more fruits and worry about other foods later. Making one change at a time. Rather than … begin by working on a healthy breakfast, and move to other meals after this goal has been reached. Or, decide to …
Health topics
… not to land on one foot. If this is not possible, bring the other foot down as soon as possible to distribute weight … in diagonals (run diagonally to one spot, then cut the other way and run to another). Work on muscle strength. The muscles in the back …