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5088 results found
Health topics
… to family members, friends, or senior centres or other organizations. Avoid high-sodium foods Try not to eat … crackers. Pickles, sauerkraut, seasonings high in salt, and other condiments. These include steak sauce, onion salt, … to family members, friends, or senior centres or other organizations. Avoid high-sodium foods Try not to eat …
Health topics
… can be very hard to live with, even though they have no other health problems. In most cases, there's no known cause … the underarm sweat glands. For very severe cases when other treatments have failed, surgery may be done to remove … can be very hard to live with, even though they have no other health problems. In most cases, there's no known cause …
Health topics
… of your blood vessel. The graft may be a vein taken from another place in your leg. Or it may be a man-made blood … veins is being used for the graft, the doctor will make other incisions in your leg. Then the doctor will attach one … end of the graft to the femoral artery in your thigh. The other end will be attached to the popliteal artery above or …
Medical tests
… rate and movements. You may be asked to drink water or other liquids just before testing. You will be able to empty … rate with reflected sound waves (Doppler ultrasound). The other sensor measures how long your contractions are, if you … abdomen. Risks There is very little chance of either the mother or the baby having a problem from a biophysical …
Health topics
… happening to him or her. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is another way for your child to learn positive techniques for … rest, such as frequent naps or quiet periods, than most other children do. This increased time devoted to rest, … your child, and don't neglect your health and that of your other family members. You are all in this together. Related …
Health topics
… puts a lighted tube and scope, called an arthroscope, with other surgical tools through small cuts (incisions) in your … repairs the meniscus using sutures (stitches) or anchors. Other knee injuries—most commonly to the anterior cruciate … able to do things like run and squat. You will start physiotherapy right away. How soon you can get back to walking, …
Health topics
… may eat extra foods without telling their parents or other adults. This can lead to high blood sugar levels and … how to manage it. Also, the camp setting introduces them to other children who have type 1 diabetes. If you arm your … may eat extra foods without telling their parents or other adults. This can lead to high blood sugar levels and …
Health topics
… tachycardia. These include antiarrhythmic medicines , other heart medicines, and antibiotics. Less common causes … include blood imbalances, such as low potassium levels and other electrolyte imbalances . Natural health products that … tachycardia. These include antiarrhythmic medicines , other heart medicines, and antibiotics. Less common causes …
Health topics
… many emotional and physical benefits for both baby and mother. So experts are studying which antidepressants are … used by women who breastfeed. Breastfeeding babies whose mothers take an antidepressant do not often have side … improve mood. Ask for help with preparing food and doing other daily tasks. Family and friends are often happy to …
Health topics
… and past health and doing a physical examination. Because other problems can cause muscle spasms like tetanus, your … case, you will need treatment to help with breathing and other body functions. After you've had tetanus, you are not … and past health and doing a physical examination. Because other problems can cause muscle spasms like tetanus, your …