5088 results found
Health topics
… treated. Over time, they can harm your joints, tendons, and other tissues. Gout is most common in men. What causes it? … hurts can also help you feel better. Taking ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medicine can help too. Using ice on … blood. For the first few months you will probably take another medicine with it to prevent attacks until the …
Health topics
… are having a medical emergency. That's what the ER is for. Otherwise, call your doctor's office first, or go to a … and uncontrolled bleeding , stroke symptoms, and a few others. Most health problems are not emergencies. You may … long time before you are seen by a doctor. And you may have other options. You can always call your doctor's office or a …
Health topics
… your blood pressure is checked. You may also be checked for other signs of preeclampsia, such as protein in your urine … This can affect how your baby grows. It can also cause other serious problems for both you and your baby. Sometimes … If you're at high risk for preeclampsia, you may have other tests, including: A urine test for protein. Blood …
Health topics
… based on the type and how much hearing loss you have and other factors. The audiologist can help you learn how to get … technology allows you to connect your hearing aids to other electronic devices, such as cell phones, computers, … will make sound coming from one direction louder than other sounds. For example, a directional microphone will …
Health topics
… help you get the right balance of vitamins , minerals , and other nutrients . It will help you feel your best and have … a week. Where can you get support? Having support from others can be a huge help. The more support you have, the … and stroke. Calories Calories, the energy in food, are another part of balance. The more active you are, the more …
Health topics
… or morning sickness. But a molar pregnancy usually causes other symptoms too. These may include: Bleeding from the … will likely find it early so it can be cured with chemotherapy . In the rare case when the cancer has had time to spread to other parts of the body, more chemotherapy is needed, …
Medical tests
… may be done to see if cancer has spread (metastasized) to other areas of the body. Or it may check how well a cancer … positions so the area of interest can be viewed from other angles. You need to lie very still during each scan to … a brief sting or pinch as the needle goes through the skin. Otherwise, a gallium scan usually causes no pain. You may …
Health topics
… (BPPV) . They are done with the help of a doctor or physiotherapist. A single 10- to 15-minute session usually is all … the Semont manoeuvre. In some cases, your doctor or physiotherapist may have you do a modified Epley procedure at … manoeuvre is done with the assistance of a doctor or physiotherapist. A single 10- to 15-minute session usually is all …
Medical tests
… LDL cholesterol level. This is the "bad" cholesterol. Other measurements that may be done include: … cholesterol. Your doctor uses your cholesterol levels plus other things to calculate your risk. These include: Your … LDL cholesterol level. This is the "bad" cholesterol. Other measurements that may be done include: …
Health topics
… lying on your back.) If your painful leg is weaker than the other leg, you may have pressure on a nerve root at the … leg near your ankle. If your painful leg is weaker than the other leg, you may have pressure on a nerve root at the … lying on your back.) If your painful leg is weaker than the other leg, you may have pressure on a nerve root at the …