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Health topics
… weights in a supervised program is one way to do this. Other ways to improve your strength may involve slight … home, going for a walk in the neighbourhood, or gardening. Others might prefer companionship, which means scheduling times with others. Very often when you share your activity with …
Health topics
… or doctor. What are some examples of opioids? Opioids or other medicines that contain them include: Codeine (Tylenol … Low sex drive. Needing larger doses over time. You may have other side effects or reactions. Check the information that … questions, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services right away  if you have: Trouble …
Health topics
… their stomach and legs. Some babies arch their back, while others pull up their legs to their stomach. Vomiting, … techniques you have tried, and whether you have noticed any other symptoms. You may also be asked about how the crying … infants cry more in their first 3 months than at any other time in their lives, it is often difficult to tell the …
Health topics
… cancer? Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. When colon or rectal cancer … to the liver. Sometimes it spreads to the lungs, bones, or other organs in the body. Colon and rectal cancers can … matters to you. Surgery may be an option in some cases. Otherwise, the main treatments are chemotherapy and targeted …
Health topics
… heal well and can be treated the same as injuries to other parts of the body. Minor cuts on the head often cause … to be checked. When a head injury has occurred, look for other injuries to other parts of the body that also may need attention. …
Health topics
… you only a little relief if your symptoms are caused by other health problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis, … surgery if you've had very bad symptoms for a long time and other treatments haven't helped. Sometimes surgery is done … 99 out of 100 people don't. footnote 4 What can you do other than have surgery? You can try several home treatments …
Health topics
… to plan before you go. If you are planning to travel to another country, see a doctor several months before you leave … will help make sure you have time to get vaccines or make other health preparations. Think about the type of shape … plan or private health insurance doesn't cover you in other countries, you may want to think about buying travel …
Health topics
… Stroke: How to Prevent Another One On this page: Overview … emotions. Some people are worried that they could have another stroke. Or they may feel overwhelmed by how much there … mind by following your plan to lower your risk of having another stroke. Take your medicines You'll need to take …
Health topics
… active . Do you prefer being active by yourself or with others? Joining a group or a class can help keep you … the idea of contact sports. Do you prefer to compete with others, compete with yourself, or not compete at all? … someone to compete with—even if that someone is themselves. Others do better when there's no competition to worry about. …
Health topics
… Talk openly. Encourage your children to talk about what is bothering them. Relax. Learn relaxation skills, and teach … 2 Preventing illness Kids get dirty. They play with other kids who may be sick. Teaching them the following … before you eat. Don't share hats, combs, toothbrushes, or other personal items with other children. Cover your mouth …