5088 results found
Health topics
… on most, if not all days of the week. Don't smoke. Manage other health problems. Statins You and your doctor can work … your cholesterol is 3.5 mmol/L or above or you have certain other risk factors. . Statins not as clearly recommended for … doctor will need to look at your overall health and any other risks you have for heart attack and stroke. When …
Health topics
… and your rights to educational accommodations. Talk with other parents of children with ADHD. Join a support group for ADHD families. Find out how others have effectively worked with school systems. Build … relationships. A positive relationship with teachers and other school staff will improve your child's chances of …
Health topics
… use the blood, but it could be used for research or for another child. Private cord blood banking is expensive. You … in a private bank is usually used to treat disease in a brother or sister. Cord blood stem cells are rarely used to … of cord blood stem cells use cord blood donated by others to public banks. One reason why donations to public …
HealthLinkBC files
… skin Stomach : nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea Other : anxiety, headache, metallic taste or uterine cramps … section has been adapted from: Anaphylaxis in Schools and Other Settings, Copyright 2005-2016 Canadian Society of … resident carry their auto-injector(s) in a fanny pack or other carrier Ensure their auto-injector is available …
Health topics
… Some people have their wisdom teeth for their entire life. Other people choose to have their wisdom teeth removed. Some … any new medicines. If you stopped taking aspirin or some other blood thinner, your doctor will tell you when to start … in warm water and wrung out—for the following 2 or 3 days. Other instructions Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after …
Health topics
… rehab, you can learn how to: Manage your heart problem and other conditions you may have, such as diabetes, high blood … after you have had a heart attack, heart surgery, or other heart problem. This program may include: Seeing how … Giving you education about managing your heart problem and other health conditions you may have. This may include …
Healthy eating
… and talk to your baby's doctor. You can continue to offer other new foods. Is my baby at increased risk of developing … families. They have a diagnosed allergy condition, like another food allergy or eczema. Talk to your baby’s health … of food allergy. Since breastfeeding is linked to many other health benefits, Health Canada recommends …
Health topics
… (chronic) sinusitis. They may get one infection after another because something blocks the flow of mucus from the sinuses or because of another health problem. Surgery can remove blockages and make … If you get chronic sinusitis because of allergies or another problem, you need to get that problem under control …
Medical tests
… put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm. Or it may be placed into other parts of your body (such as the rectum or a joint) to … to see your organs move or to guide a biopsy needle or other tool into the right place inside your body. Why It Is … be used to see if cancer has spread into the chest from another area of the body. Abdomen. A CT scan of the abdomen …
Health topics
… and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Preventing Another Heart Attack Life After a Heart Attack Medicines … But women are somewhat more likely than men to have other symptoms like shortness of breath, nausea, and back or jaw pain. Here are some other ways to describe the pain from heart attack: Many …