5088 results found
Health topics
… veins or pelvic veins. Diagnosis and treatment of DVT in other parts of the body are similar. What causes it? Causes … active role in managing a health condition. Blood Thinners Other Than Warfarin: Taking Them Safely Compression … you will probably have an ultrasound test. You may have other tests as well. What Happens A blood clot in a deep …
Health topics
… called hives and red skin. These symptoms often occur with other symptoms of a severe reaction. A toxic reaction to a … Ticks. Scabies. Lice. Some insects are more likely than others to cause allergic or toxic reactions. A bee leaves … soles of the feet, or the area from one large joint to another, such as from the ankle to the knee? Yes Swelling is …
Health topics
… slow movement, and problems with balance or walking. Other symptoms include pain, depression, and sleep problems. … But you might have tests, such as an MRI, to help rule out other diseases that could be causing your symptoms. How is … decide to wait to start medicines if your symptoms aren't bothering you. You may get occupational therapy, …
Health topics
… fibroid embolization to treat your symptoms. Choose another treatment, such as over-the-counter pain medicine, … have this procedure if your symptoms haven't improved with other treatments. You may recover more quickly after … no symptoms. But fibroids can cause bad pain, bleeding, and other problems. The cause of fibroids is not known. But the …
Health topics
… care. Sometimes for regular visits or when CAD gets worse Other physicians Nephrologist (kidney specialist), … nurse specialist, dietitian, exercise therapist, and physiotherapist Your team will help you recover from an event or … the course of your treatment. If you need the help of other health professionals, you should keep in close contact …
Health topics
… include: Being 3 years old or younger. Birth defects or other medical conditions, such as cleft palate or Down … tubes. Repeated colds and upper respiratory infections. Other things can increase your child's risk of ear … infections include: Being in a child care centre with many other children. Getting the first ear infection before 6 …
Health topics
… 1 diabetes. It's also used if you have type 2 diabetes and other medicines are not controlling your blood sugar. If you … (Lantus) and insulin detemir (Levemir) can't be mixed with other types of insulin. They also can't be given in a syringe that has been used to give another type of insulin. If you are using an insulin pen, …
Health topics
… Pain, swelling, bruising, or rashes that are present with other symptoms may be a cause for concern. Male genital … This is most often caused by infection or inflammation. Other problems that may occur in the groin area Rashes in … to be checked and treated. Children may play with toys or other objects near their penis and cause an injury. Anything …
Health topics
… sting. They have a lot of swelling, redness, and itching. Other causes, such as swelling related to a sac-shaped … can cause swelling when the body produces antibodies and other cells that attack and destroy tissues in the body. … Fluid that accumulates in the belly (ascites) because of other problems, such as malnutrition, cirrhosis, or liver …
Health topics
… systems because of stress, injury, certain medicines, or other reasons. Most people who get shingles will get better … for pain. Treatment may shorten the illness and prevent other problems caused by shingles. See your doctor right … nerve roots. In some people, it stays dormant forever. In others, the virus "wakes up." In this case, you may get a …