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5088 results found
Health topics
… many children need custom-fit knee replacement parts. Other joint involvement. It is easier to predict the success … only one joint, such as the knee joint, is involved and all other joints in that limb are normal. This is often not the case in children who need total joint replacement. Other joint abnormalities may make the surgical procedure …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding is feeding a baby milk from the mother's breasts. You can feed your baby right at your … gradually breastfeed less often as your baby starts to eat other foods. But keep breastfeeding for as long as you and … cancer. footnote 2 Can all women breastfeed? Almost all mothers of newborns are able to breastfeed. Even if you have …
Health topics
… 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Medicine 2:____________ Other treatments List any other treatments that you use for your headaches. This may … include massage, relaxation therapy, vitamins, herbs, and other natural health products. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. …
Health topics
… to keep up. Then fluid starts to build up in your lungs and other parts of your body. This fluid buildup is called … and very tired. Fluid builds up in your lungs and other parts of your body. This causes you to be short of … cocaine) Some prescription medicines (such as those for chemotherapy) Heart problems you've had from birth (congenital …
Health topics
… to know if your child's symptoms are caused by something other than depression. Some medical problems can cause … problems, such as a low thyroid level or anemia , and other problems such as anxiety , attention deficit … is usually the first type of antidepressant given. Another SSRI, such as citalopram (Celexa) or sertraline …
Health topics
… reaction ( anaphylaxis ) occurs, when allergies cause other problems (such as nosebleeds, ear problems, wheezing, … treatment doesn't help. Allergies often occur along with other problems, such as asthma , ear infections , sinusitis … conditions. These people are more likely to have asthma and other allergies. Medicine allergies . Many prescription and …
Health topics
… a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get help right away. Call … information. Consider saving these numbers in your phone. Other things you can do Consider your own safety. If you … the person that you don't want them to die or to harm another person. Show understanding and compassion. Don't argue …
Health topics
… Jewellery or fabrics. New tools, toys, appliances, or other objects. Latex. Allergy to natural rubber latex … as acne , eczema , psoriasis , or seborrheic dermatitis . Other causes of rashes include dry, cold weather; extremely … The need for medical treatment often depends on what other symptoms you have. A rash that occurs with other
Health topics
… young children. Here are some safety tips for parents and other caregivers. Be careful when giving medicine to … And some liquid forms are stronger (more concentrated) than others. Always read the label so that you give the right … from a package that has cuts, tears, a broken seal, or other problems. Check the medicine at home to make sure the …
Health topics
… Keeping your family healthy Say no to swaddling Soother safety Safe drinking water Keep your home safe Fasten … control, ambulance, and healthcare provider's numbers and other emergency numbers near each phone so you can find them … made for a baby's mouth (such as teethers and soothers). Don't let your baby suck or chew on any soft …