5088 results found
Health topics
… can allow your child to eat a variety of foods, just like other kids, and to increase his or her sense of control and … Your child will have the best chance of success if you and other members of the family also eat a variety of healthy … meal plan needs a change, you can review your food record. Other helpful suggestions Read food labels for carbohydrate …
Health topics
… it as a shot, use an insulin pen, or have an insulin pump. Other medicine. If your child takes other medicine for diabetes, include instructions on how and … Include contact information for parent(s) or guardians(s), other caregivers, and your child's doctor. You will also …
Health topics
… drink increases the risk of illness, injury to self and others. If you choose to drink, keep the amount of alcohol … safe amount of alcohol for one person may be too much for another. Because of things like age, sex, weight, and health … the developing baby (fetus). Alcohol can pass from the mother's blood into the baby's blood. It can damage and …
Health topics
… lack of appetite, and make the leg sensitive to the touch. Other problems that can cause leg pain Many problems can … by diabetes or heavy use of alcohol. A pulled muscle. Other conditions can also cut off blood flow to the leg and … lack of appetite, and make the leg sensitive to the touch. Other problems that can cause leg pain Many problems can …
Health topics
… questions. How can you get through it? Get counselling or other support Don't try to do it alone. Your doctor can help … when you are feeling overwhelmed. Join a support group of others who are trying to quit. Reduce stress Many people … the middle of the night. Don't have coffee, black tea, or other drinks with caffeine in the 8 hours before you go to …
Health topics
… the body, such as poison ivy ( contact dermatitis ), or by other more serious illnesses, such as measles or scarlet … cold, a cough, or diarrhea, or is in a daycare setting with other children who have viral illnesses. Most rashes caused … the use of some medicines. To know how serious the rash is, other symptoms that occur with the rash must be looked at. …
Health topics
… Why might your doctor recommend one treatment over the other? Your doctor may recommend radioactive iodine if: You … life and take vitamins every day, so remembering to take another pill won't make a big difference to me. Jesse, age 52 … my body. More important Equally important More important My other important reasons: My other important reasons: More …
Health topics
… that you know or think might be poisonous, call 9-1-1 or other emergency services right away. Don't wait for symptoms … teeth marks, a minor scrape, or a puncture wound without other symptoms. Home treatment often relieves symptoms and … of the bite can injure the skin, muscles, joints, or bones. Other problems can occur with a non-poisonous snake or …
HealthLinkBC files
… visit HealthLinkBC File #65b Indoor air quality: Mould and other biological contaminants . Combustion (burning) … of second-hand tobacco smoke and vapour Formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals found … information, visit HealthLinkBC File #42 Radon in homes and other dwellings . How can I improve indoor air quality? For …
Health topics
… (Lantus) and insulin detemir (Levemir) cannot be mixed with other types of insulin. They also cannot be given in a syringe that has been used to give another type of insulin. If you are using an insulin pen, … or your doctor about how to get rid of the container. Other tips for success and safety Some tips to help you be …