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5088 results found
Healthy eating
… Tbsp) 0 Vinaigrette no salt added, homemade 15mL (1 Tbsp) 0 Other foods Salt, table 5mL (1 tsp) 2373 Soy sauce 15mL (1 …
Health topics
… older adults. If you think you may be depressed, seek help. Other good health habits can help you stay at your best: Eat … choices. Some of the following changes may apply to you. Others may not. A healthy lifestyle may slow many of these … at least twice a week. It can help protect the knees and other joints. Stretching. Stretching gives you better range …
Health topics
… the changes your condition has on your life. Reach out to others. Ask for what you need from co-workers, neighbours, friends, family, and others in your community. Maybe someone could deliver … Or you could share a meal together. Connect with others who have the same health condition. Look for a …
Health topics
… or a doctor who shares information about the problem. Other groups focus on support. They often include only … you are. You'll see that you're not the only one and that others have the same feelings and challenges as you. Group … advice, and encouragement. You can see what is working for others and decide if it might work for you. You can help …
Health topics
… Cancer can impact your family in many ways. Fear and other emotions can cause stress. Financial worries from lost … change as you go through treatment and need more help from others. It helps to think about how and what you want to … members. Make sure they know your wishes for treatment and other major decisions. Make the most of your time with them. …
Health topics
… quality of life. Your child can still receive medicines or other treatments to manage pain, anxiety, and other symptoms. Families also can have spiritual and grief … surrounded by family members, pets, toys, and books. Other families may choose to have their child cared for in …
Health topics
… child from getting certain diseases that can be spread to other people (infectious diseases). And there are often no … diseases. They also help reduce the spread of disease to others to prevent sudden outbreaks of the disease, called … don't work well for them. Their only protection is for others to get vaccinated so illnesses are less common. Other
Health topics
… healthy foods, resting, visiting with friends, and doing other things you enjoy. Don't be afraid to ask family … job training, and counselling). Ask your doctor about other resources that can provide you with needed personal … positive self-talk, relaxation, deep breathing, and other techniques to help you handle stress. Learn how to …
Health topics
… and gender. Violent behaviour may be targeted at parents, other children, friends, or other family members. Violent crimes include assault, sexual … give hints that they are considering violence toward other people, such as: Talking about violence, especially …
Health topics
… If your doctor wants you to be kept away, or isolated, from other patients while you receive medical care, you may be in … room, called an isolation room, to keep you separate from other people. This may be done because you have an infection that can be spread to others or because your condition makes you more easily …