870 results found
… worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Temporary hair loss may occur. Normal hair growth should return after … baths). Use a sunscreen and wear protective clothing when outdoors. Avoid pressure on elbows, knees, and soles of feet … sunlamps. Use sunscreen and wear protective clothing when outdoors. Tell your doctor right away if you get sunburned …
… shortness of breath caused by exercise, cold/dry/polluted air, or allergens such as pollen. Controlling breathing … (such as histamines) that may cause swelling of the airways and breathing problems. This medication must be used … to prevent breathing problems related to exercise, cold/dry air, or allergens, use it within 10 to 15 minutes, but not …
Health topics
… if your heart has stopped. A breathing machine that pumps air into your lungs through a tube is used if you can't … it? Would you want to be kept alive by a machine that pumps air into your lungs through a tube if you can't breathe on … if your heart has stopped. A breathing machine that pumps air into your lungs through a tube is used if you can't …
Health topics
… contain pus. This is called erythema toxicum (say "air-uh-THEE-mah TOK-sik-um"). It may appear on only part of … uncomfortable. Doctors call this rash miliaria (say "mil-ee-AIR-ee-uh"). To help the rash go away, remove your baby from … contain pus. This is called erythema toxicum (say "air-uh-THEE-mah TOK-sik-um"). It may appear on only part of …
Health topics
… proper home treatment and rehab exercises. Surgery to repair torn ligaments is usually only considered when there is … more to heal. It depends on how bad it is. An ankle brace, air stirrup, hiking boot, high-top shoe or boot, or another … and a protective brace, such as a brace with a built-in air cushion or another form of ankle support. Follow your …
Health topics
… the middle ears to the throat. Because of the blocked tube, air can't reach the middle ear. This creates a vacuum and … smoke in the home. Even fumes from tobacco smoke on your hair and clothes can affect the child. Breastfeed your baby. … see if the eardrum moves freely when the otoscope pushes air into the ear. Other tests may include: Hearing tests. …
Health topics
… to be sure you get enough rest, food, exercise, and fresh air and sunlight. Get as much help as you can. Arrange for … oxygen tube or a machine, called a ventilator, that moves air in and out of the lungs. Some babies may need medicine … while the lungs are growing or healing. It sends oxygen or air into the lungs through a thin tube. The tube is placed …
Medical tests
… monoxide poisoning . Poisoning can happen if you breathe air that contains too much carbon monoxide (CO). This gas … monoxide poisoning . Poisoning can happen if you breathe air that contains too much carbon monoxide (CO). This gas …
Health topics
… some cases, surgery may be needed. Enema. During an enema, air, saline, or barium (a milky-white liquid) is flushed … some cases, surgery may be needed. Enema. During an enema, air, saline, or barium (a milky-white liquid) is flushed …
Health topics
… in a few different ways: Concentrators take oxygen from the air. Larger concentrators can be used at home. There are … in a few different ways: Concentrators take oxygen from the air. Larger concentrators can be used at home. There are …