5475 results found
Health topics
… or cranky. Be less hungry than usual. Some children have more serious symptoms, like wheezing . Call your doctor if … leads to other problems, like pneumonia. Certain people are more likely to have problems with RSV: Babies younger than 6 … RSV infection with lab tests. But a medical history and physical examination may be done to evaluate symptoms. A …
Health topics
… than older children do. And some liquid forms are stronger (more concentrated) than others. Always read the label so … Drink a full glass of water with each dose. Do not take more than 440 mg in any 8-hour to 12-hour period or 660 mg in a 24-hour period. Adults older than 65: Do not take more than 220 mg every 12 hours unless your doctor tells you …
… this medication long-term, you should have regular complete physical exams (for example, once a year) as directed by … treatment. Do not increase your dose or use this medication more often than prescribed. After applying this medication, … reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before using this medication, tell your doctor …
Health topics
… or Alzheimer's disease . Some objects in the ear cause more problems than others. An insect or object in the ear … Disc batteries (also called button cell batteries) are more dangerous than other objects and should be removed … means that the pain is so bad that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything …
Health topics
… or fairly minor incidents. But over time, it can involve physical harm. This behaviour is very damaging, both … kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as … the Kids Help Phone website at https://kidshelpphone.ca for more information. Consider saving these numbers in your …
Health topics
… pain can have a lot of benefits, like being able to do more activities or sleep better. You may feel more able to enjoy life. Our topics can help you find ways to keep your pain under control. Find out more about managing pain in topics such as: Pain Management …
Health topics
… atrial fibrillation can continue working. Avoid strenuous activity and extremely stressful situations at work. Sexual … attention. Also, make sure to bring extra medicine. For more information, see the topic: Arrhythmias and Sexual … attention. Also, make sure to bring extra medicine. For more information, see the topic: Arrhythmias and Sexual …
Health topics
… of the knee bones or how they are aligned. You are more likely to have patellar tracking disorder if you have … can check the position and condition of your knee bones. If more information is needed, you may have an MRI . How is … for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, especially before and after activity. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. …
Health topics
… needed to bounce back from the worst situations. You are more resilient than most. You are probably able to handle … that help you deal with stress, you need to develop more qualities and strengthen others. Talking to a therapist … Others may find a counsellor or therapist helpful. Explore more Stress Management Current as of: October 20, …
Health topics
… lime, dishwasher powders, or lye. Alkalis usually cause more tissue damage than acids. Metals, such as molten metal … burned area can increase the chance of the burn becoming more serious. The face, eyes, hands, and feet are the most … inflate can cause friction or heat (thermal) burns from the physical impact or chemical burns from the substances in the …