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5475 results found
Health topics
… get older, your bones naturally lose some strength and are more likely to break, even from a minor fall. Children and young adults are more likely to break a hip because of a bike or car crash or … bones and soft tissues. A CT scan, another way of getting more detailed images. A bone scan, which involves injecting …
Health topics
… that can help protect your skin or help make you feel more comfortable. Protect your skin from the sun by staying … It's fine to be active in blocks of 10 minutes or more throughout your day. Walking with a friend can help you … It can take time to fully recover. Balancing rest with activity is important. Try to match your activities to your …
Health topics
… where you want to be. When you're in the green zone, one or more of these things may be true: You don't have any … to be increased. When you're in the yellow zone, one or more of these things may be true: You may not have any … take action right away. When you're in the red zone, one or more of these things may be true: You may be very short of …
Health topics
… Without a doctor's guidance, these results may lead to more tests and treatment that you may not need. A package … appear. Often, the earlier a disease is diagnosed, the more likely it is that it can be cured or successfully … (a false-positive ). This can cause unneeded worry and more tests and treatment that you don't need. An abnormal …
Health topics
… usually be diagnosed based on your history of symptoms, a physical examination, and imaging tests. These are tests … you enough, you may need other treatments. This might be more likely to happen if you have spine problems such as a … you enough, you may need other treatments. This might be more likely to happen if you have spine problems such as a …
Health topics
… ask questions about your symptoms and past health and do a physical examination. The doctor will do a chest X-ray to … This may relieve symptoms and help the lungs to expand more fully. Some fluid may be sent to a lab to look for the … This may relieve symptoms and help the lungs to expand more fully. Some fluid may be sent to a lab to look for the …
Medical tests
… It Is Done Liver tests are done when a medical history or physical examination suggests that something may be wrong … All levels are within the normal range. Abnormal One or more levels are outside the normal range. Abnormal liver … All levels are within the normal range. Abnormal One or more levels are outside the normal range. Abnormal liver …
Health topics
… An adult who is being treated for high cholesterol may need more frequent tests, depending on the cholesterol level and … test based on your child's age or family history or a physical examination. You can ask your child's doctor if … An adult who is being treated for high cholesterol may need more frequent tests, depending on the cholesterol level and …
Health topics
… the diagnosis of IBS. A change in how often you pass stool (more than 3 times a day or less than 3 times a week) A … These criteria are used along with a medical history and physical examination to help your doctor determine whether … the diagnosis of IBS. A change in how often you pass stool (more than 3 times a day or less than 3 times a week) A …
Health topics
… usually be diagnosed based on your history of symptoms, a physical examination, and imaging tests. These are tests … you enough, you may need other treatments. This might be more likely to happen if you have spine problems such as a … you enough, you may need other treatments. This might be more likely to happen if you have spine problems such as a …