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5475 results found
… (30 milliliters) of either orange juice, applesauce, or more water to the mixture and stir. Swallow the mixture … to treatment. Do not increase your dose or take this drug more often than prescribed. Your condition will not improve … lower your ability to fight infections. This may make you more likely to get a serious (rarely fatal) infection or …
Health topics
… activities within a day. But you should avoid strenuous activity or exercise for about a week. After a laparotomy, … activities within a day. But you should avoid strenuous activity or exercise for about a week. After a laparotomy, …
… prevents the breakdown of levodopa in the bloodstream so more levodopa can enter the brain. Carbidopa can also reduce … absorbed by the body. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. The dosage is based on your medical condition … the immediate-release medication because it is absorbed more slowly. Let your doctor know if this becomes a problem. …
… prevents the breakdown of levodopa in the bloodstream so more levodopa can enter the brain. Benserazide can also … absorbed by the body. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. The dosage is based on your medical condition … your doctor may lower your dose slowly. Withdrawal is more likely if you have used this medication for a long time …
Health topics
… (such as acetaminophen) or if other symptoms last for more than 48 hours. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics if … Is younger than 2 and has an infection in both ears or has more than mild pain or fever. Is very ill from the … young children have shorter eustachian tubes , which are more easily blocked than those of older children and adults. …
HealthLinkBC files
… Ukrainian Document Vietnamese Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other … grade 9. Both of these vaccines are provided for free. For more information see HealthLinkBC File #23a Meningococcal C … series begins. Speak with your health care provider for more information. It is important to keep a record of all …
… have some memory loss and may have trouble safely doing any activity that requires alertness, such as driving or … response to treatment. Do not increase your dose, take it more often, or use it for longer than prescribed. Do not take more than 10 milligrams a day. Women are usually prescribed …
Health topics
… and exercise. You can keep track of what you eat and your activity in lots of ways. Keep a diary. You can write daily entries about what you ate and your activity. Use a step counter. Step counters, also called … and exercise. You can keep track of what you eat and your activity in lots of ways. Keep a diary. You can write daily …
Health topics
… how hard it is to breathe, and how hard it is to do the activity. An RPE is usually used as part of a cardiac rehab … how hard it is to breathe, and how hard it is to do the activity. An RPE is usually used as part of a cardiac rehab …
… reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before using this medication, tell your doctor … or high blood sugar. Do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness or clear vision until you … such as fever, infection, injury, or surgery, it may be more difficult to control your blood sugar. Consult your …