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HealthLinkBC files
… ulcers, and cause infection. Less often, they can cause more serious infections of the blood, urinary tract or other … to vancomycin. VRE are not easier to catch and do not cause more severe infections than other enterococci, but they are much more difficult to treat. Why is VRE a concern? The …
Health topics
… of pink eye include: Redness. Itchy or burning eyes. More tears than usual. The eye may drain a clear or slightly … or if you have other medical problems, you may have a more serious eye problem. In these cases it is especially … antibiotics only work for bacterial pink eye, not for the more common viral pink eye . Viral pink eye often improves …
Health topics
… Is Used People use meditation to help treat a wide range of physical and mental health conditions, including: Drug, … mental health conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or schizophrenia , may not be able to use … Is Used People use meditation to help treat a wide range of physical and mental health conditions, including: Drug, …
Health topics
… doctor can find out if you have optic neuritis by doing a physical examination, including an eye examination. The … doctor can find out if you have optic neuritis by doing a physical examination, including an eye examination. The …
Health topics
… 5 kilometres in 30 minutes.” Attainable Make sure you’re physically capable of achieving the goal you set. Let’s say …
Health topics
… about your past health and your symptoms and will do a physical examination. The doctor may do an X-ray to look for … about your past health and your symptoms and will do a physical examination. The doctor may do an X-ray to look for …
Health topics
… it diagnosed? Diagnosis starts with a medical history and physical examination. If your doctor suspects adrenal … it diagnosed? Diagnosis starts with a medical history and physical examination. If your doctor suspects adrenal …
Health topics
… you. Medicines sold online and by places that do not have a physical address can be fake. Criminals who sell medicines … you. Medicines sold online and by places that do not have a physical address can be fake. Criminals who sell medicines …
Health topics
… will ask about your symptoms and past health and will do a physical examination. You might have an imaging test, such … will ask about your symptoms and past health and will do a physical examination. You might have an imaging test, such …
Health topics
… will discuss your medical and sexual history with you. A physical examination will also be done. Your doctor may want … will discuss your medical and sexual history with you. A physical examination will also be done. Your doctor may want …