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5475 results found
… If there is no improvement in your symptoms, do not take more doses of this medication before talking to your doctor. … dose at least two hours after the first dose. Do not take more than 10 milligrams in a 24-hour period. Some patients may be directed to not take more than 5 milligrams in a 24-hour period. Follow your …
Health topics
… this fluid is called polyhydramnios. It means that there's more fluid around your baby than there should be. In some … and birth defects. You are pregnant with twins or more. What are the symptoms? You may not have any symptoms … the baby. If these measurements show too much fluid, more tests may be done to try to find the cause. How is it …
HealthLinkBC files
… can cause disease. The final preparation of Ig undergoes more testing to ensure no known infectious viruses are … 2 doses of the hepatitis A vaccine, you do not need Ig. For more information, go to HealthLinkBC File #33 Hepatitis A … 2 doses of the measles vaccine, you do not need Ig. For more information, visit HealthLinkBC File #14a Measles, …
… (see also Side Effects section). Kidney disease may be more likely to occur in people with kidney problems and in people with serious blood diseases. Liver disease may be more likely to occur in people with liver problems (such as … and in older adults. Stomach/intestinal bleeding may be more likely to occur in older adults with serious blood …
Health topics
… after one dose of radioactive iodine . The radioactivity in the iodine kills most or all of your thyroid … can choose to take radioactive iodine. The medicine is much more effective in people with mild disease. About 30 out of … I know I can take thyroid hormone pills to treat it. More important Equally important More important I don't mind …
Health topics
… on average, people who have atrial fibrillation are 5 times more likely to have a stroke than people who don't have … risk for a disease or problem is called a risk factor. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chance of … When you take an anticoagulant, your blood clots more slowly than normal. This increases your risk of …
Medical tests
… doctor to see different views of the breast without taking more images. Digital breast tomosynthesis is sometimes … a false-positive result . It can occur at any age, but it's more likely to occur if you are age 40 to 59. About 5% to 10% of screening mammograms will require more testing. This may include another mammogram of specific …
Health topics
… Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses Gas-permeable lenses cost more than conventional hard lenses and are somewhat less durable. But they are more comfortable than conventional hard lenses. Some … water (up to 90% of the lens weight). Many people find them more comfortable to wear than hard lenses, but hard lenses …
Health topics
… is a surgical treatment for varicose veins. One or more cuts are made over the vein, and the vein is tied off … ablation using laser or radiofrequency heat works in more than 96 out of 100 people. These treatments may not … 10 out of 100 people. footnote 1 Sclerotherapy works in more than 70 out of 100 people. It may not work for up to 30 …
Health topics
… Tube-shaped nails that curve inward (pincer nails) occur more often in toenails than fingernails and are caused by … if you begin to wear shoes that fit. Spoon-shaped nails are more common in children and are usually temporary. They also … The nails wrap around thickened fingers or toes, looking more raised, curved, and shiny than usual. This may occur …