5475 results found
Health topics
… surgery is done to take out just the fibroids. They are more likely to come back if you had many fibroids. Talk to your doctor about if your fibroids may be more likely to grow back. Risks of myomectomy Cutting into … during surgery. Severe blood loss that causes you to need more blood (transfusion). Why might your doctor recommend …
Health topics
… to prevent abnormal heart rhythms. You're expected to live more than 1 year. Your ejection fraction is lower than … working right. If a lead does break or does not work anymore, you would need surgery. The surgery would be more complex than that needed to replace an ICD battery. You …
Health topics
… During labour, changing position frequently can make you more comfortable. It can also help you manage pain and … printable PDF's of these positions where you can find more detailed information: Walking/standing Sitting …
Medical tests
… is a way to find some lung cancers early, when a cure is more likely and when cancer is more treatable. If your doctor recommends lung cancer … This is called a false-positive result . This leads to more tests to make sure you don't have cancer. Some …
Health features
… Zika virus reported in Canada have been travel related. For more detailed information about which countries are … People who travel to regions where Zika is circulating. More than 65 countries in the Caribbean, Central America, … countries or areas with ongoing Zika virus outbreaks. For more information about travelling while pregnant, speak with …
Health topics
… Warfarin works against vitamin K. It makes your blood clot more slowly. So warfarin and vitamin K work against each … warfarin, it's important that you not suddenly eat a lot more or a lot less vitamin K-rich food than you usually do. … a diet to lose weight. And if you want to start eating more of a food that's rich in vitamin K, talk to your doctor …
Health topics
… can be harmful. This is called ionizing radiation. Radioactivity is ionizing radiation that is given off by things … who has had many CT scans starting at a young age is more likely to get cancer later in life than someone who … had any or as many of these tests. CT scans generally use more radiation than other X-ray tests. The risk of an adult …
Health topics
… You can catch a cold at any time of year, but they're more common in late winter and early spring. There's no cure … like you have a cold all the time, or if cold symptoms last more than 2 weeks, you may have allergies or sinusitis. How … Read the labels to make sure that you are not taking more than the recommended dose. Too much acetaminophen …
Health topics
… blood to clump together easily by making your blood cells more "sticky" and more likely to form clots. Clumping platelets can then block … or HDL). Cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins also more easily enter the walls of your arteries, where they can …
Health topics
… day in an environment with a harmful noise level (85 dB or more), wear your hearing protection 8 hours a day. Hearing … has been some concern that hearing protectors may make it more difficult to hear important sounds, such as voices or … or earmuffs. But wearing proper protection can help prevent more hearing loss. For more information on the workplace and …