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Health topics
… off the antidepressant medicines he's been taking for more than 30 years. Getting there hasn't been easy. Stan's … alcohol made it hard to keep a job, he says, which made him more depressed. And angry. Alcohol made him dangerous. He … was seen as a weakness." He went through drug rehab one more time. Six months later, Stan walked into an Alcoholics …
… the shortest possible time. See also How to Use section for more information about addiction. Ask your doctor or … not use products that contain codeine. Some children are more sensitive to codeine and have had very serious (rarely … hours as needed or as directed by your doctor. Do not take more than 6 capsules in a 24-hour period. Use the smallest …
Health topics
… a day and going longer without using it can help you feel more in control. You will be less dependent on nicotine, … has problems. People who smoke only a few cigarettes have more health problems than people who don't smoke. People who … smoke tend to change their puffing patterns so they get more nicotine out of each cigarette. It may be hard to keep …
Health topics
… feet and ankles. These tiny spots are called petechiae. In more serious cases, the spots are larger and more widespread. These larger spots are called purpura. … the platelets. Taking medicine that helps the body make more platelets. Having surgery to remove the spleen. You may …
Health topics
… of hot flashes is not well understood. Hot flashes are more common at night than during the day and are a common … silk. Keep the room temperature cool or use a fan. You're more likely to have a hot flash in a warm environment than … Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol. Eat smaller, more frequent meals to avoid the heat generated by digesting …
Health topics
… such as during growth spurts when your baby may be hungry more often. At around 3 months of age, your baby may feed less often. That's because your baby is able to drink more milk at one time. How do you know your baby has had … each baby needs varies. Young babies usually do not take more breast milk or formula than they need. Related …
Health topics
… bony eye socket (orbit). Symptoms that may mean there is a more serious injury include: Vision changes . Inability to … there is a chance that something punctured the eyeball. For more information, see the topic Objects in the Eye . If … . Concern about the eye may cause you to miss other more serious head or face injuries that need medical care. …
Health topics
… the hot tub or sauna. Experts suggest using a sauna for no more than 15 minutes and using a hot tub for no more than 10 minutes. Have another adult with you. To help … and hands. Multiple Pregnancy: Twins or More Pregnancy Pregnancy-Related Problems …
Health topics
… increases if medical treatment is delayed for 6 hours or more. Things that determine how severe an injection injury … substance injected. Larger amounts of fluid injected create more pressure on the blood vessels and other tissues. The … pressure settings of the equipment. Higher pressures cause more fluid to be injected. The site of injury. The hand that …
Health topics
… their older brothers or sisters did. However, having one or more older siblings does not cause significant speech and … well. Children who grow up in bilingual homes do not have more difficulty in learning to talk, read, and write than … who are learning one language. In fact, learning two or more languages at a young age may boost a child's overall …