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5475 results found
Health topics
… not notice when your body is hungry or full. You may eat more than you need or want. Emotional eating can interfere … like losing a job, can cause emotions that lead you to eat more. So can small hassles like being late for work. Common … eating are: Changing your eating habits when you have more stress in your life. Eating when you aren't hungry or …
Health topics
… yet seen a dentist, make an appointment for an examination. More and more of the responsibility for good dental habits belongs to … injuries to teeth and what to do in a dental emergency. For more information, see the topic Mouth and Dental Injuries. …
Health topics
… include might be: I feel good because my blood sugars are more stable. I no longer have uncomfortable highs or lows. I … for problems with my heart, eyes, feet, and legs. I have more energy. I can think more clearly. I feel better about myself, because I am …
Health topics
… to a healthy weight and lower her blood pressure. She lost more than 18 kilograms (40 pounds), and her blood pressure … just make little changes, the benefits spur you on to do more. You don't start out trying to change your whole life." … chocolate makes me happy." Loralie has also learned to pay more attention to portion sizes when she goes out to eat. In …
Health topics
… recalls. "I didn't want to do anything. My back was hurting more. I was having trouble focusing on my work. My life just … an antidepressant. "He told me it could take a month or more for the medicine to work. He suggested that in the … can actually make your pain worse. That is true for me. The more down I get, the worse my back feels." The counsellor …
Health topics
… caused by a virus that is carried by mosquitoes. You're more likely to get this illness if you travel to parts of the world where it's more common. This includes parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia, and islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans. More recently, it has also been found in the Caribbean and …
Health topics
… weaker eye. This means that your child uses the strong eye more than the weak eye. If the weak eye doesn't have to … The younger your child is when treatment starts, the more likely your child is to have good vision. Amblyopia is … to receive the images from only one eye. Your child is much more nearsighted or farsighted in one eye than in the other. …
Health topics
… the methods for yourself at home can help you discover more foods that you may really like. Did you know that … of the hot oven. Check it after 15 minutes, and stir. Add more time until the food is cooked through, golden brown, … be easy to lose track of time, especially if you're doing more than one thing in the kitchen. Using a timer can help …
HealthLinkBC files
… changing diapers, and before handling or eating food. For more information on hand washing, see HealthLinkBC File #85 … treatment to help prevent the spread of shigellosis. For more information, see HealthLinkBC File #59a Food safety: … food and fruit and vegetable that you peel yourself. For more information, see HealthLinkBC File #41e Traveller's …
Health topics
… certain symptoms that people with heart failure experience more commonly, there are many other symptoms that heart … are typically less common because they often result from more severe heart failure, when the body can no longer … which causes poor blood circulation. After the tables is a more detailed explanation of each symptom. Tell your doctor …