6256 results found
Medical tests
… may suggest that you arrange for someone to drive you home after the test. How It Is Done Gonioscopy is usually … may suggest that you arrange for someone to drive you home after the test. How It Is Done Gonioscopy is usually …
Health topics
… A child with amblyopia may not even know that they are using only one eye. Give comfort and support. Other children … the patch. It may be possible to wear the patch only at home. Then your child can avoid any hurtful comments or … A child with amblyopia may not even know that they are using only one eye. Give comfort and support. Other children …
Health topics
… can you take care of yourself? Most whiplash improves with home treatment. Ask your doctor if you can take an … strong evidence that heat or ice helps. But you can try using them to see if they help you. Try using a heating pad … you to do so. Talk with your doctor about whether physiotherapy could help you. Return to your normal daily …
Health topics
… a broken toe treated? Some broken toes can be cared for at home. Try using ice, elevating the foot, and resting. Treatment … where no one else can get to them. When you are done using them, dispose of them quickly and safely. Your local …
Health features
… as soon as you can Wash the inside of your cooler at home before and after each use Wash vegetables, fruit and … untreated water at a rolling boil for two minutes before using. If boiling water is not possible, use water …
Medical tests
… from the arm. Urine test This test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a … from the arm. Urine test This test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a …
Medical tests
… (Inspra). How It Is Done This test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a … (Inspra). How It Is Done This test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a …
Health topics
… amount you drink. Practice safer sex. Safer sex includes using condoms and talking to every potential sex partner … the vaccine is right for you. Avoid toxins at work and at home. Stay away from harmful chemicals and other things that … amount you drink. Practice safer sex. Safer sex includes using condoms and talking to every potential sex partner …
HealthLinkBC files
… with no overnight stay in hospital. It is performed using local anaesthetic to numb the eye. Most patients do … if you are anxious. You will need someone to take you home after and may need help putting in your eye drops or … you problems with your daily activities (e.g., reading or using a computer) or to improve your vision to maintain your …
Health topics
… are injured. Mild or grade 1 injuries. These may only need home treatment along with using crutches for a short time. You may also need to wear a … as the ACL or meniscus . Your doctor may recommend physiotherapy to increase range of motion and strengthen your …