6256 results found
Health topics
… that you and your doctor check your fracture risk using a tool such as FRAX to help decide whether you should … that you and your doctor check your fracture risk using a tool such as FRAX to help decide whether you should …
Health topics
Medical tests
… cannot show where the inflammation is located or what is causing it. Other tests are needed to find the cause and … cannot show where the inflammation is located or what is causing it. Other tests are needed to find the cause and …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… in the elbow to heal. Treatment usually starts with rest, using ice and anti-inflammatory medicines, and trying a physiotherapy and exercise program (rehab). Many people get better … ice and anti-inflammatory medicines, and trying a physiotherapy and exercise program (rehab). Many people get better …
Health topics
… Other strategies can help teach your child limits, such as using a firm voice, looking your child in the eye, and … Other strategies can help teach your child limits, such as using a firm voice, looking your child in the eye, and …
Health topics
… or years for the colour of the skin to return to normal. Using a moisturizer, cream, or petroleum jelly can help … or years for the colour of the skin to return to normal. Using a moisturizer, cream, or petroleum jelly can help …
Medical tests