4604 results found
… Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment. Buserelin is a man-made hormone that is similar … under the skin, usually every 8 hours for the first week of treatment, and then once a day thereafter, or as directed by … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: heart disease (such as heart attack) stroke high cholesterol high …
… Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment. Goserelin is similar to a natural hormone made by … dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. During the first few weeks of treatment, your … or family history of bone loss (osteoporosis) heart disease (such as heart attack) high cholesterol/triglyceride …
HealthLinkBC files
… the vaccines on time, your child can be protected from many diseases over a lifetime. Immunization has saved more lives … help protect others as well If your child is immune to the disease, your child cannot get sick and infect others. Your … friends and neighbours Young babies Seniors People with diseases such as cancer or other medical conditions Vaccines …
… your medical condition, laboratory tests, and response to treatment. After applying this medication, wash your hands … testosterone can cause serious side effects such as heart disease (including heart attack), stroke, liver disease, … any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. The display and use of this drug information is …
Medical tests
… that has a strong magnet. The MRI can show tissue damage or disease, such as infection or inflammation, or a tumour, … abnormal movements. These symptoms may be caused by brain diseases, such as Huntington's disease , multiple sclerosis (MS) , Parkinson's disease , or …
Medical tests
… specific proteins in the blood to help identify some diseases. Proteins are substances made up of smaller … form a specific pattern. This pattern helps identify some diseases. Why It Is Done Serum protein electrophoresis is … inflammation High alpha-2 globulin: Inflammation; kidney disease High beta globulin: Very high cholesterol; low iron …
Health topics
… for 3 or 4 years. footnote 1 If you have coronary artery disease, are using beta-blockers, are pregnant, are not able … Each tablet has a small amount of allergen in it. This treatment, like allergy shots, helps your body "get used to" … have a pollen allergy and you want to know more about this treatment. Why might your doctor recommend allergy shots? …
Health topics
… Screening tests help your doctor look for a certain disease or condition before any symptoms appear. This can … HFE testing identifies a genetic risk rather than the disease itself. Even if you have one or more HFE gene … for people who have an increased chance of having the disease, such as those with other family members who have …
… dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. For children, the dosage is also based on age and … Continue to use this medication until the full prescribed treatment period is finished, even if symptoms disappear … methadone, tapentadol) certain drugs for Parkinson's disease (such as entacapone, tolcapone) certain supplements …
Health topics
… risk of infections that can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease . Take any medicines your doctor has prescribed. … after a pregnancy can cause depression that requires treatment. You are not getting better as expected. Follow-up … after a pregnancy can cause depression that requires treatment. You are not getting better as expected. Follow-up …