4191 results found
Health topics
… Calcium buildup in the tendons. The buildup can cause a painful condition called calcific tendinopathy . Partial or … fall. What are the symptoms? A rotator cuff disorder causes pain and weakness in your shoulder. Most often, the pain is on the side and front of the upper arm and shoulder. …
Health topics
… is swelling or infection of the prostate . It's often painful. The prostate lies just below your bladder and makes … and are severe. When you have prostatitis, you may have pain when you urinate or ejaculate. You may urinate often or … as drinking plenty of fluids and taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Acute prostatitis is usually treated with …
Health topics
… examples are: Antipsychotic medicines. Medicines taken to control nausea. Medicines used to treat Parkinson's disease, … problems. Frequent use of non-prescription medicine to control a troublesome symptom should also be discussed with … examples are: Antipsychotic medicines. Medicines taken to control nausea. Medicines used to treat Parkinson's disease, …
Health topics
… Some people who have a stroke suffer loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence) after the stroke. But this is … and the effects of medicines. If you have problems controlling your bladder, your doctor may: Test a urine … intervals, including when you first wake up and at bedtime. Controlling your liquid intake, such as drinking liquids at …
Health topics
… and asthma often requires changes in your treatment to control it. To ensure that you are getting the proper … with your doctor. Symptoms Know the symptoms of poorly controlled asthma—wheezing, cough, chest tightness, or … if your or your child's asthma starts to get out of control. Your doctor should periodically assess your asthma. …
Health topics
… the muscular tissue of the uterine wall. This can cause painful, heavy periods and chronic pelvic pain. What causes it? The cause of adenomyosis is not fully … Heavy or prolonged menstrual periods (menorrhagia). Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Chronic pelvic pain. …
Health topics
… in a good way. "I'll never forget the first time I had back pain. I couldn't move. I had to crawl to the car and push … into the seat. The drive to the doctor's was hard. The pain was unreal." When Jack got to his doctor's office, he … surgery?" All sorts of help Jack told his doctor that the pain started in the middle of the night. He hadn't been …
… that doesn't stop easy bleeding/bruising muscle weakness/pain joint pain/swelling eye pain/redness vision problems chest … medication may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal birth control such as pills, patch, or ring. This could cause …
Health topics
… Basics What is whiplash? Whiplash is pain and stiffness in the neck after an injury that has … bones. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of whiplash are pain and stiffness in the neck and sometimes in the muscles … arms. You also may have a headache, feel dizzy, and have pain in your back. You may not have any symptoms until the …
Health topics
… the neck. The changes in the discs can cause back and neck pain. They can also lead to osteoarthritis, a herniated … on the spinal nerve roots or spinal cord. This can cause pain and can affect how well the nerves work. These changes … Many people with degenerative disc disease have no pain. But others have severe pain or other symptoms that …