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HealthLinkBC files
… or rat. This is important to know as there are different control methods for the different rodents. Mouse droppings … of rodents? It is not a good idea to use poison or baits to control rodents. Poisoned rodents can crawl away and die, … rodents promptly and remove all bait stations once pest control has been completed If you are unable to control
Health topics
… Here are some common sources of major job stress: Lack of control. Feeling as if you have no control over your job duties is one cause of job stress. … Identify what's creating the job stress. Maybe it's lack of control over your job. Or maybe it's worry about losing your …
HealthLinkBC files
… The bites may also become infected, causing irritation and painful swelling. Bites from the lice can cause a rash or … to talk to your partner(s), visit the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Smart Sex Resource …
HealthLinkBC files
… Mild to severe diarrhea Bloody diarrhea Nausea Stomach pain Fever Vomiting Symptoms start an average of 2 to 5 days … feces or animal waste. People with diarrhea who cannot control their bowel movements should not go to work or …
Health topics
… breath. If you notice that you're out of breath, have chest pain, or don't feel right, stop exercising. Take a rest. … you exercise. Exercise only when your symptoms are under control. Talk with your doctor about how to know when it's … breath. If you notice that you're out of breath, have chest pain, or don't feel right, stop exercising. Take a rest. …
Health topics
… or grouchy. Everyone is different. Hunger is partly controlled by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus , … about food again for several hours. Fullness is partly controlled by the hypothalamus, your blood sugar, and having … or grouchy. Everyone is different. Hunger is partly controlled by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus , …
Health topics
… have nothing to do with what you're feeling. And you can't control them. Living with PBA can be very stressful. What … suddenly cry or laugh for no reason and may have trouble controlling how long or intensely you cry or laugh. You may … have nothing to do with what you're feeling. And you can't control them. Living with PBA can be very stressful. What …
Health topics
… women. Many women celebrate a sense of freedom from birth control concerns and menstrual bleeding. Often women find … to feel unsettled about body changes that seem beyond your control, including: Loss of fertility. Aging. Changes in … women. Many women celebrate a sense of freedom from birth control concerns and menstrual bleeding. Often women find …
Health topics
… or bleach. Additionally, the BC Centre for Disease Control recommends allowing the wound to bleed freely.  Call … exposures, such as occupational health or infection control. Your workplace likely has guidelines that tell you … or bleach. Additionally, the BC Centre for Disease Control recommends allowing the wound to bleed freely.  Call …
Health topics
… a child to suck a pacifier rather than a thumb, they can't control which the child will prefer. The advantages and … The advantages of using a pacifier include being able to control when your child is allowed to use it and being able … a child to suck a pacifier rather than a thumb, they can't control which the child will prefer. The advantages and …