3825 results found
Medical tests
… cancer in men younger than age 35. It often appears as a painless lump or swollen testicle. In the early stages of … times this cancer is found during self-examination as a painless lump or a swollen testicle. Why It Is Done … This examination can help find the causes of symptoms like pain, inflammation, swelling, or lumps in the testicles. It …
Health topics
… After a stroke, you may not feel temperature, touch, pain, or sharpness on one side of your body. This may lead … chance of having the joint stiffen (contracture). Cause pain and discomfort in and around the swollen tissues. … it for you. Don't overexercise your arm. This can cause pain and make it hard to exercise. Prevent swelling in your …
Health topics
… by a blister that forms at the bite site. Mild to intense pain and itching for 2 to 8 hours following the bite. An … tiny, flat purple and red spots. Nausea or vomiting. Joint pain. What should you do if you think you've been bitten by … from a spider bite. Medicines that may be used include: Pain medicine, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or …
Health topics
… room. A nurse will be able to help with any nausea, pain, or anxiety you might have. Most people go home the day … surgery. Your doctor or nurse will give you instructions on pain control and caring for your incision. In most cases, … in the wound and need to be drained. You may have breast pain and feelings of pulling, pinching, tingling, or …
Health topics
… feet, and sometimes the buttocks and legs. They may be painful. The illness usually doesn't last more than a week … or orange juice. These foods can make mouth sores more painful. For pain and fever, ask your doctor if you can give your child …
Health topics
… treatment, you may have: Irritation, soreness, or mild pain. Swelling. Dead tissue that sheds off. Sores or … is often needed. Risks Some risks of cryotherapy include pain during and after treatment, skin colour changes, … treatment, you may have: Irritation, soreness, or mild pain. Swelling. Dead tissue that sheds off. Sores or …
Health topics
… or gel for soothing muscle aches and inflammation and for pain from conditions such as breast surgery, mastitis, or … plant is poisonous and, if swallowed, it can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, cardiac … or gel for soothing muscle aches and inflammation and for pain from conditions such as breast surgery, mastitis, or …
Health topics
… or high-pitched breathing Increased drooling Difficult, painful swallowing, or the complete inability to swallow Gagging Refusal to eat solids Pain in the neck, chest, or abdomen Vomiting Since a small … or high-pitched breathing Increased drooling Difficult, painful swallowing, or the complete inability to swallow …
Health topics
… e.g., lasting 30 to 60 seconds Although they may be painful, the strength of contractions remains the same or … gradually increases, becoming progressively more painful. Contractions are often felt in the lower abdomen. …
Health topics
… regular exercise. Take a warm bath before going to bed. Leg pain or tenderness ( not cramps) may be a sign of a serious … and look redder than the other leg. If you have any leg pain that doesn't go away (especially with leg swelling), … regular exercise. Take a warm bath before going to bed. Leg pain or tenderness ( not cramps) may be a sign of a serious …