4069 results found
… of long-term use of this medication. Side Effects Stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas, or nausea may occur. If … if you have any serious side effects, including: jaw/ear pain swelling of joints/hands/ankles/feet increased or severe bone/joint/muscle pain new or unusual hip/thigh/groin pain black/tarry stools …
… strong and less likely to break. It also helps reduce bone pain from this disease. This medication belongs to a class … of long-term use of this medication. Side Effects Stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas, or nausea may occur. If … if you have any serious side effects, including: jaw/ear pain swelling of joints/hands/ankles/feet increased or …
Health topics
… block alone is done, you may be awake. You won't feel any pain. But you may feel some pulling or tugging during the … sometimes used along with general anesthesia to help limit pain after surgery. What To Expect You will likely go home a … keep a cloth between your skin and the ice pack. Taking pain medicines as prescribed. Immobilizing and protecting …
HealthLinkBC files
… get shingles after being immunized, the vaccine can reduce pain, including the type of pain that lasts after shingles. What are the possible … fatigue, shivering, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (e.g. …
Health topics
… will feel stiff or sore. You will get medicine to help with pain. Most people can go back to work after 4 to 6 weeks. … treatment in the long run. footnote 1 If you have neck pain alone, with no signs of a pinched nerve, spinal fusion … diagnosis, and type of procedure used. Risks include: Pain in a bone graft site (donor site) if bone from another …
Health topics
… tears may cause no symptoms. But complete tears cause pain and sudden loss of strength and movement. Middle-aged … of an Achilles tendon tear may include a sudden, sharp pain. Most people feel or hear a pop. You may have swelling … your past health and checking the back of your leg for pain and swelling. If your symptoms are severe or don't …
Health topics
… sexually excited or reaching orgasm . Sex may also be painful. But symptoms are problems only if they bother you … a cause. Physical causes. These include hormone problems, pain from an injury, and other problems. Certain conditions … you avoid vaginal dryness. That's the most common cause of painful sex. Enjoy being tender and close with your partner. …
… of these rare but serious side effects: stomach/abdominal pain that doesn't go away, black/tarry stools, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating, confusion, … of taking this drug. Uses Ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, dental pain, …
… of these rare but serious side effects: stomach/abdominal pain that doesn't go away, black/tarry stools, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating, confusion, … Uses See also Warning section. Ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, dental pain, …
… of these rare but serious side effects: stomach/abdominal pain that doesn't go away, black/tarry stools, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating, confusion, … of taking this drug. Uses Ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, dental pain, …