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… shaped head at birth or by the time the child is a few months old. For example, the skull may become long and … shaped head at birth or by the time the child is a few months old. For example, the skull may become long and …
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… on its own. Most of the time, a hernia that starts before 6 months of age will go away by 1 year of age. footnote 1 Your … the umbilical cord do not close properly. About 1 or 2 babies out of 10 have an umbilical hernia. footnote 2 It mostly occurs in babies who have a low birth weight and those who were born …
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… to 5 days. Kept in a freezer [ -18 °C (0 °F) ] for up to 6 months. How can you store breast milk safely? Here are tips … to 5 days. Kept in a freezer [ -18 °C (0 °F) ] for up to 6 months. How can you store breast milk safely? Here are tips …
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… most women can control their blood sugar and have healthy babies. Blood sugar levels usually go back to normal after … women who have gestational diabetes give birth to healthy babies. But sometimes high blood sugar causes problems … your average blood sugar level over the previous 2 to 3 months. Your doctor may also want you to check your blood …
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