3042 results found
Health topics
… a number out of a total of 10 called the Apgar score. Most babies score an Apgar between 7 and 10. Tips for you and …
Medical tests
Health topics
… are nipple shields used? Nipple shields may be helpful for babies who have trouble sucking, such as: Premature infants, … who may not be strong enough to breastfeed well. Full-term babies with latch-on problems. Premature babies may not have strong suction. They may not be able to …
Health topics
… a hot-water bottle or heating pad on your baby's stomach. Babies burn easily—do not use heated items such as these. … a hot-water bottle or heating pad on your baby's stomach. Babies burn easily—do not use heated items such as these. …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… baby drops for a short time. This is not a problem for most babies. But the heart rate of some babies gets slower. This change in heart rate can be seen on … baby drops for a short time. This is not a problem for most babies. But the heart rate of some babies gets slower. This …
Health topics
… 3 weeks early, he or she is considered premature. Premature babies may need to stay in the hospital until they can eat, … hard to know how healthy your baby will be. Some premature babies will need surgery or special treatment. Others may …
Health topics
… your milk production. It also may make your baby fussy. Babies who are exposed to second-hand smoke are at increased … your milk production. It also may make your baby fussy. Babies who are exposed to second-hand smoke are at increased …
Health topics
… in the eye can also block fluid. In congenital glaucoma, babies are born with it. In infantile glaucoma, it develops … because the mother had an infection during pregnancy. Some babies have a family history of the condition. Some people … worse right after surgery and may be affected for weeks or months. Your eyesight may not be as good as it was before …
… Most severe cases occur in children between 6 to 24 months old. This vaccine contains live virus that has been … intestinal problem (intussusception) has occurred in babies after receiving this vaccine. Intussusception happens … bloody stools or sudden severe abdominal pain/diarrhea. In babies, symptoms may include pulling the knees to the chest …