6248 results found
Medical tests
… usually measured at the same time as a folic acid test, because a lack of either one or both can lead to a form of … 7 days. Having pernicious anemia, which means you lack the substance (intrinsic factor) needed to absorb vitamin B12. … 7 days. Having pernicious anemia, which means you lack the substance (intrinsic factor) needed to absorb vitamin B12. …
Health topics
… blood to the brain. Carotid artery disease occurs when a substance called plaque builds up in either or both … of plaque or a blood clot could move to the brain and cause a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) . The … blood to the brain. Carotid artery disease occurs when a substance called plaque builds up in either or both …
Medical tests
… of the organs and other structures in your upper belly. It uses sound waves to show images on a screen. Areas that can … rib cage on the right side of the belly. It makes bile (a substance that helps digest fat). It also stores sugars and … rib cage on the right side of the belly. It makes bile (a substance that helps digest fat). It also stores sugars and …
Medical tests
… node tissue to look for cancer. A sentinel node biopsy is used to see if a known cancer has spread from the original … the arm. Your doctor injects a blue dye or special tracer substance or both into the area around the original cancer … the arm. Your doctor injects a blue dye or special tracer substance or both into the area around the original cancer …
HealthLinkBC files
… is Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease caused by a germ (bacteria) that spreads through the air when … #51a Tuberculosis (TB) . What is a TB skin test? You can use a TB Skin Test (TST) to look for TB infection. You can … uses a tiny needle to inject a small amount of a test substance called Tubersol® under the top layer of skin on …
Health topics
… Problems On this page: Health Tools Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … symptoms are only a sexual problem if they bother you or cause problems in your relationship. There is no "normal" … for people to have lower sex drives as they age. What causes them? When there's a problem in either the emotional or …
Health topics
… Infections in Children On this page: Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to … germs (called bacteria) get into the urinary tract and cause an infection. Your child's urinary tract is the system … not treated quickly can lead to a kidney infection. What causes it? Most UTIs in children are caused by germs …
Health topics
… Surgery can improve, but may not completely restore, the use of your hands. Dupuytren's disease sometimes comes back … treatments for Dupuytren's. Needle aponeurotomy uses a needle to separate the tight cords in the palm. … is severe—for example, waiting until you are unable to use your hands to do daily activities—could make the surgery …
Health topics
… Physical Abuse On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care … many problems that they find hard to deal with. This can cause them to act out with violence. Physical abuse can include things like hitting, pushing, shaking, …
Health topics
… symptoms. Take a "wait and see" approach to surgery because the hernia does not bother you much. This decision aid … and children always need surgery to repair a hernia because of the increased risk of incarceration and strangulation … tissue bulges through. Many doctors recommend surgery because it prevents a rare but serious problem called …