6248 results found
Health topics
… Your Symptoms Overview Dizziness is a word that's often used to describe two different feelings. It's important to … or climb on a ladder while you are dizzy. Be careful with substances. Don't use substances that can affect your circulation. These include …
Health topics
… services? Outpatient services usually cost less because you don't need to stay overnight. Staff members at … Mental or behavioural health centres, which may provide substance use treatment services and mental health services … Mental or behavioural health centres, which may provide substance use treatment services and mental health services …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Helicobacter pylori tests are used to detect a Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) infection … . Stool antigen test. A stool antigen test checks to see if substances that trigger the immune system to fight an H. … . Stool antigen test. A stool antigen test checks to see if substances that trigger the immune system to fight an H. …
Medical tests
… These tests tell how well your kidneys are working. Another substance, creatine (say "KREE-uh-teen"), is formed when … of blood creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) can be used to find the BUN-to-creatinine ratio. This ratio can … These tests tell how well your kidneys are working. Another substance, creatine (say "KREE-uh-teen"), is formed when …
Health topics
… But sometimes the fear that someone can tell is enough to cause concern. Mental health problems can include bipolar … also find programs through your mental health care team. Substance use disorder , which is common with some mental … also find programs through your mental health care team. Substance use disorder , which is common with some mental …
Health topics
… ulcerative colitis? Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the lining of the … that's affected, the worse the symptoms will be. What causes it? Experts aren't sure what causes ulcerative colitis. It might be caused by the immune …
Health topics
… to think about what your baby might get into around the house. You can't watch your baby's every move. But you can … Here are some ways to help keep your baby safe from toxic substances in the home. Be sure that all the products your … Here are some ways to help keep your baby safe from toxic substances in the home. Be sure that all the products your …
Health topics
… recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed if they cause pain or an infection, crowd other teeth, or get stuck … teeth removed (extracted) before you're 20 years old, because it's easier to take them out when the roots and bones of … Wisdom teeth that are healthy and come in properly don't cause problems. FAQs What are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are …
Health topics
… wounds heal better. Your arteries can get narrowed by a substance called plaque. Plaque is a buildup of fats in your … he or she may do an angioplasty. To do this, the doctor uses a catheter with a balloon at the tip. It goes into the … wounds heal better. Your arteries can get narrowed by a substance called plaque. Plaque is a buildup of fats in your …
Health topics
… to limit fluid buildup. But some other nutrients or substances also play a role as well. Heart failure can … followed. Medicine and diet therapy are most effective when used together in the treatment of heart failure. Taking your … to limit fluid buildup. But some other nutrients or substances also play a role as well. Heart failure can …