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6246 results found
Health topics
… refrigerator to chill. Don't freeze the ring or teether because they can become too hard and may harm your baby's gums. Don't use fluid-filled teethers. Clean teething rings, teethers, and toys after each use. Check the package label to see if the object is …
Health topics
… Overview Electrical nerve stimulation is a procedure that uses an electrical current to treat chronic pain . … determine the best pulse strength. You are then told how to use the stimulator at home. A typical schedule for spinal cord stimulation is to use it for 1 or 2 hours, 3 or 4 times a day. When in use, …
Health topics
… Overview Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure used to treat severe depression . It may be used in people who have symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, or suicidal thoughts. It's also used when other treatments such as psychotherapy and …
Health topics
… the supplies you need. You will have to decide if you will use a standard razor or an electric razor. For most people, … be the best choice. Electric razors are less likely to cause nicks and cuts than a standard razor. This is especially … is taking medicines called blood thinners, which can cause even minor cuts to bleed more than usual. Also, using an …
Health topics
… Consta) This is not a complete list. Why are antipsychotics used? These medicines are used mainly to help treat mania and psychosis . In bipolar disorder, they are used to treat manic symptoms, such as reckless and impulsive …
Health topics
… aponeurotomy (say "ap-uh-noo-RAH-tuh-mee") is a procedure used to straighten bent fingers ( contracture ) caused by Dupuytren's disease . This procedure may also be … is pulling your fingers toward your palm. The needle is used to make holes in the tissue. The doctor will then …
Health topics
… or need to quit slowly by reducing the number of times you use tobacco each day over the course of several weeks. Be … important things that helped in those attempts, and plan to use those strategies again this time. Think of things that … ashtrays, lighters, or spit cups. Don't let people smoke or use tobacco in your home. Change your daily routine. Take a …
Health topics
… Most people would probably agree that it takes some getting used to. But wearing a mask is a way to help keep yourself, … or a chronic disease like asthma. Wearing a mask won't cause breathing problems. Some people are concerned that wearing a mask could cause breathing problems by raising their carbon dioxide (CO2) …
Health topics
… during the birth. STIs are common. But they don't always cause symptoms. And if they are not treated, they can lead to … help protect the health of you and your partner(s). STIs caused by bacteria can go away with treatment. STIs caused by viruses can be treated to relieve symptoms, but …
Health topics
… Taking medicines for asthma every day can be hard to get used to. You may have several reasons why you find it hard … where you'll see it, such as in your car or on a house key. Use a reminder app on your smartphone. Something happens …